To members of the Class of 2000:

We are seeking your help in improving Union’s advising system.  A small committee has been asked to informally consider all aspects of Union’s academic advising.  In addition to the Senior Questionnaire that you are asked to complete, we request your assistance in filling out the attached survey about your experiences with the advising system here.

Please return this survey at the same time you submit the Senior Questionnaire.  If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please contact me.

Thank you for your help on this,

Byron Nichols
Department of Political Science
Campus phone: x6226

 Senior Survey Questions about Union’s Advising System
May, 2000

Basic information about you:

1.  Sex:                  _____ Female                       _____ Male

2. Major:                 _____ Humanities               _____ Social Sciences            _____ Sciences    _____ Engineering

3. GPA                   _____ 3.5 – 4.0     _____ 3.0 – 3.49       _____ 2.5 – 2.99   _____ 2.0 – 2.49

Early advising experiences at Union:

4         Thinking back to your first couple of years at Union, how satisfied were you with the academic advising you received at Union during your Freshman and Sophomore years?

_____ Very satisfied

_____ Somewhat satisfied

_____ Somewhat dissatisfied

_____ Very dissatisfied

5         How true is the following statement:  during my Freshman and Sophomore years, my advisor provided me with accurate information about requirements, prerequisites, course offerings, etc.?

_____ Very true

_____ Somewhat true

_____ Somewhat false

_____ Very false.

6         As a Freshman and Sophomore, about how often did you meet with your official academic adviser?

_____ Once a year at most

_____ About once a term

_____ About once a month

_____ Every couple of weeks

7         When you were a Freshman and stopped by your academic adviser’s office, did he/she immediately know who you were?  (Did he/she know your   name?  That you were his/her advisee?)

_____ Yes, definitely

_____ I think so

_____ Probably not

_____ Definitely not

8.    During my Freshman and Sophomore years, I talked with my academic adviser about the following…

                a. Selection of courses:                                 _____ Yes             _____ No

                b. Selecting or changing my major:                 _____ Yes             _____ No

                c. Problems I was having in courses                _____ Yes             _____ No

                d. Career directions                                        _____ Yes             _____ No

                e. Where to get information about getting into medical school, law school, business school, etc.

                                                                                   _____ Yes             _____ No

                f. Personal problems                                      _____ Yes             _____ No

                g. Sources on campus where I could get assistance with personal issues I was facing                                                                                                         _____ Yes             _____ No

                h. Opportunities for internships or co-ops      _____ Yes             _____ No

                i. Opportunities for national fellowships          _____ Yes             _____ No

                j. Doing undergraduate research                    _____ Yes             _____ No

                k. Going on a term abroad                            _____ Yes             _____ No

                l. Speakers, concerts, etc. on campus          _____ Yes             _____ No

Recent advising experiences:

9.        In the last couple of years, how satisfied have you been with the academic advising you received during your Junior and Senior years at Union?

_____ Very satisfied

_____ Somewhat satisfied

_____ Somewhat dissatisfied

_____ Very dissatisfied

10.     During your Junior and Senior years, where did you go most often for academic advising?  To …

_____ My official academic advisor(s) in my major

_____ Another faculty member in my major Department

_____ A faculty member in another Department

_____ I tried to avoid going to any academic adviser in the last couple of years.

11.     When did you first visit the Career Development Center on campus?

_____ Freshman or Sophomore year

_____ Junior Year

_____ Senior Year

_____ Never

12.     If you are headed for post-graduate education (med school, law school, business

School, etc.), when did you first talk with the relevant pre-professional adviser at Union?  In my …

_____ Freshman or Sophomore year

_____ Junior Year

_____ Senior Year

_____ Never

13.     After you enrolled at Union, when did you first begin to explore your options for your life after you graduate?  During my …

_____ Freshman or Sophomore year

_____ Junior Year

_____ Senior Year

_____ Never

Other information about your academic experiences at Union:

14.     When did you complete all of the Science and Math requirements for the Gen Ed program?

_____ Freshman year

_____ Sophomore year

_____ Junior Year

_____  Senior Year

15.     When did you complete all of the Lit/Civ  requirements for the Gen Ed program?

_____ Freshman year

_____ Sophomore year

_____ Junior Year

_____ Senior Year

16.     During all of your years at Union, how many times did you participate in each of the following three activities?

a. Paid internships or Co-op experiences:                            _____ (put number)

b. Unpaid internships for NO academic credit                        _____ (put number)

c. Unpaid internships for academic credit                              _____ (put number)

17.     When did you first do undergraduate research at Union for independent study (or thesis) credit or for  a summer stipend?

_____ Senior year – or the summer before

_____ Junior year – or the summer before

_____ Sophomore year – or the summer before

_____ Freshman year

_____ I never did any undergraduate research while at Union.

18.     How often did you feel that you were closed out of courses you wanted to take at Union?

_____ Never

_____ Once or twice in all my years at Union

_____ At least once a year

_____ Almost every term  

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This survey was administered on paper to the seniors in Spring 2000.
posted online as a reference May 28, 2002 by J D Klein, Associate Dean for Information Technology, Union College.
Last modified 05/28/02 .