Eco 24: Competing
Philosophies in US Economic Policy Winter, 2001 Mr. Klein |
This page is under construction. It represents my notes on potentially interesting sites to use with Economics 24, Competing Philosophies in U.S. Economic Policy. Warning: some of these links may be broken. This is not an official part of the course web-site. Page created and maintained by J. Douglass Klein. Last modified 01/04/01 03:43 PM General references and history sources: Today in history - another site Today in History - Scope Systems National Archives and Records Administration Home Page History in the Raw: Why Teach with Primary Source Documents, from the National Archives American History Resources on the Internet American History Project from the Netherlands, including many primary source documents, 1400-2000 ThinkQuest '97 Politics
and Political Campaigns, including a timeline. 19th Century Documents Project, from Furman. Includes Bank Veto speech, Wealth, Economic History site at Miami of Ohio History 122 at Northern Virginia Community College. Many documents at this site, plus links to other primary sources The History Net a commercial history service. University of Oklahoma Law Center links to documents in US history American Economic History course outline and notes, from CMU - Poole Mercantilism and Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations from Bibliomania Complete text in one file, U. of Virginia Definition of Mercantilism, from a syllabus on Capitalism, Culture, and Technology The Sugar Act, 1764, full text, a guide to
the Declaration of Independence, including Colonial and British documents, The Federalist Program and the Constitution These 2 are from Cornell Law School: The Constitution of the United States, from the Cornell ILL The Federalist Papers, and other early documents Thomas Jefferson's Autobiography, from Bibliomania Women, Slavery, Labor, and Human Rights Tocqueville's view of women in america, winning web site Documents on Womens Suffrage, from the National Archives Introduction to Women's Suffrage from the American History website Booker T. Washington's Atlanta Address Lives of Working Men and Women, a selection of readings.
Money, Banking and Currency Biography of Andrew Jackson, sections 16 and 17 are on the bank war, section 19 on nullification William Jennings Bryan exhibition The 1896 page, with a link to the Cross of Gold speech, another Cross of Gold site Full text of the Cross of Gold speech. A second source of the same Wizard of Oz links This site has lots of historical documents about a varitey of 1890s topics which would have been known to Frank Baum, author of the Wizard of Oz. ====================================== Big Business, Regulation, Antitrust Course at Carnegie Mellon University on the History of Railroads. - Poole Course at Carnegie Mellon University on ENTREPRENEURS AND AMERICAN ECONOMIC GROWTH Henry George, from Progress and Poverty, 1888 Lessons of the Robber Barrons, written in 1997 Monopoly cases, including the Standard Oil case, 1911
© 2001 J. Douglass Klein |