Hart, American History Told by
Contemporaries, v. IV: Welding of the Nation, 1845-1900. (New York:
MacMillan & Co., 1917)
XXVII: COMMERCE, pp. 513-517.
The American Railway System (1865)
became very prominent in England as a constructor of railways both at home
and abroad. He visited the United States in 1865, and incorporated his
observations in the book from which this extract is taken. English
capitalists held much of the stock of American railroads. --Bibliography:
Brookings and Ringwalt, Briefs for
Nos. xlvii, lii; Library of Leland Stanford Junior University, Catalogue
of the Hopkins Railway Library.
system . . . on which railroads have been permitted to be constructed in
America has been one of great simplicity . . . . In America . . . every
one in the country has felt, from the first . . . that the construction of
a railroad through his property, or to the city, town, or village he
inhabited, was a source of prosperity and wealth, not only to the district
in which he resided, but to himself personally . . .
a rule, nothing has been easier than to obtain from the legislative
authority of a State in America a concession, or as it is there styled, a
"charter," to lay down a road. The land in many cases,
especially where it belonged to the public, has been freely given for the
line ; in other cases, where landed proprietors were affected,
comparatively small compensations have sufficed to satisfy their claims.
The citizens residing in the towns and populous places of the different
districts, have hailed the approach of a railroad as a blessing. Under
certain regulations, lines have been permitted to be laid down in the main
streets and thoroughfares of the cities, so that the trains may traverse
them at prescribed speeds, and so that goods may be put upon trucks at the
very doors of the warehouses and shops . . . .
influence of railroads on the value of real estates along their lines, and
in the cities in which they terminate, is so well understood in America,
as to have afforded important financial facilities to their construction.
It is nit the public who are invited in America to take railway shares;
they are subscribed for in a wholly different manner. In order to promote
the construction of a line, not only does the State which it traverses
frequently afford it facilities with respect to land, but pecuniary
[514] facilities
are often given by the cities and towns giving securities for certain
amounts on their Municipal Bonds. The cities in which it is to have its
termini also agree to subscribe for portions of its share capital, and so
do the inhabitants of the towns and villages through which it is to pass.
This is a very important feature of the American railway system, inasmuch
as it gives the inhabitants of each district which a railway traverses, a
direct local and individual interest in the promotion and well-working of
the line. Every one, in fact, is interested in contributing traffic to his
own railway.
only the whole cost of maintaining the roads, but a very considerable
proportion of the cost of their construction, has, in the case of the
majority of the lines in America, been thrown upon
revenue. I am afraid that the consequence of this has been injurious
to public confidence in the American railways as commercial securities.
Where lines are imperfectly constructed in the first instance ‑
where they have to bear all the effects of climate and of wear and tear,
whilst in indifferent condition, it is quite obvious that the cost of
reparations, even in the very early stages of their working, must be a
serious burden. And where all this is thrown, at once, on revenue,
adequate dividends cannot be expected . . . .
of the American lines were originally made in short lengths, as lines of
communication between different towns in the same State; and without
regard to any general system of communication for the nation. It follows,
that even in the cases of lines which are now united and brought under a
single management, much diversity of construction, and a great want of
unity of system is observable. One of the great deficiencies of the
American railroad system is, in fact, the absence of a general policy of
management. Scarcely any attempts are made to render the working of lines
convenient to travellers, by working the trains of one company in
conjunction with another; and this gives rise to complaints on the part of
the public, which may, some day or other, be made to afford a ground of
excuse for governmental interference. Nothing can be more desirable for
the success of American railroad enterprises than well-considered general
arrangements for the working and interchange of traffic.
as has been the rapidity with which the American railroads have been
constructed, and great as is the total mileage already made, the railroad
accommodation of the United States is not to be regarded as by any means
meeting the requirements of the country.
[515] The
rapid growth of the system has only been co-equal with the rapid growth of
the population: the extent of mileage is attributable to the vast extent
of territory settled, and the great distances between the seats of
many parts of the States, indeed, the existing railways are quite
insufficient. In the South, the system is very imperfectly developed.
Whilst slaves existed, there was a determined hostility in the Southern
States to the expansion of any general railway system, arising from the
apprehension that it would be used for the escape of slaves.
. . .
West to East, also, the present railways are quite insufficient for the
growing traffic. The lines of communication from the West by canal,
&c., which existed previously to railways, have not been affected by
their construction. The produce of the Western States has, in fact,
increased faster than the means of transport, and additional facilities
for the conveyance of goods are urgently required. It is of the utmost
importance to the development of the West that no time should be lost in
making this additional provision.
S. Morton Peto, Resources and Prospects of America (New York,
1866), 255-265 passim.
Completion of the Pacific Railroad
established Poor's Manual of
Railroads, and was for many years an authority on railroad interests.
--Bibliography: Library of Leland Stanford Junior University, Catalogue
of the Hopkins Railway Library,
present year witnesses the completion of the most important enterprise of
the kind ever executed in any country -- a line of railroad from the
Missouri River across the Continent, and with connecting lines, from the
Atlantic to Pacific Ocean, a distance of 3,250 miles. This great
undertaking was commenced in the latter part of 1863, but no considerable
amount of work was made till 1865, in which year only about 100 miles were
constructed; in 1866, about 300 miles were opened; in 1867, about the same
number; in 1868, about 800 miles; and in the present year, about 300 : the
whole distance from the Missouri to Sacramento being 1,800 miles . . . .
Toward the construction of these roads the Government has, or will, issue
its 6 per cent. currency bonds, to the amount of about $63,616,000, viz. :
upon 300 [516]
miles at the rate of $48,000
per mile; upon 976 miles at the rate of $32,000 per mile; and upon 1,124
miles at the rate of $16,000 per mile. The annual interest upon the above
sum will equal $3,816,960. These bonds are a second mortgage upon the
respective lines, the several Companies being authorized to issue their
own bonds to an amount equal to the Government subsidy, and to make them a
first mortgage upon their roads.
influence of these works . . . upon the commerce and welfare of the
country, must be immense. A vast commerce, yet in its infancy, already
exists between the two shores of the Continent. With the advantage and
stimulus of the railroad this commerce must soon assume colossal
proportions. Fronting the Pacific slope are hundreds of millions of people
in Eastern Asia, who are rapidly taking part in the commerce of the world,
and who will have the most intimate relations with our own Continent,
which produces the gold and silver which at present forms one of the chief
staples of commerce with them. It is hardly possible to estimate the
magnitude of the commerce which will eventually exist between the Pacific
coast and China and Japan. It is a commerce in which the world is to
engage, and in which the Pacific Railroad is to be one of the most
important instruments.
road, too, will open up to settlement vast tracts of hitherto inaccessible
territory, either fertile in soil, or rich in the more valuable minerals
which are likely amply to compensate for the want of agricultural wealth.
The main line will serve as the trunk from which lateral roads,
constructed by private enterprise, will branch off in every direction.
Already several important branches are in progress -- one to Denver,
Colorado ; one to Salt Lake City ; and one to connect it with the Columbia
River. These branches will open up wide sections and add largely to the
traffic of the trunk line.
construction of this, and of similar works, by the aid of the Federal
Government, has excited great interest, and although at present public
opinion seems to be against any further grants of money, there can be no
doubt that Government has been largely the gainer by the aid it has
extended to the Pacific Railroad and its branches. The public taxes equal,
at the present time, ten dollars per head of our population. These works
have been instrumental in adding more than 500,000 to our population,
whose contributions to the National treasury have far exceeded the
interest on the bonds issued to them. They have certainly been
instrumental in securing the construction of an equal
[517] extent
of line which, but for them, would not have been built. Assuming the
tonnage of these roads to equal 2,000 tons to the mile of road, the
aggregate will be 9,800,000 tons, having a value of $490,000,000. The gain
to the Federal Government from the creation of such an immense tonnage and
value far exceeds the sums it has paid in aid of their construction, while
the gain will, in a very short time, more than equal the principal sum of
the bonds issued. Equally beneficent results will follow the construction
of similar works. The people of the United States cannot afford to have
extensive portions of their wide domain remain without means of access. In
cases where such means have not been supplied by navigable water-courses
they must be by a railway, or vast territories must remain, what they now
are, deserts. The argument in favor of Government aid is as conclusive as
it is simple. . .
can be no doubt, if the railroads of the United States could have been
secured in no other way, it would have been the soundest policy for
Government to have assumed their construction, even without the
expectation of realizing a dollar of direct income from them. The actual
cost of these works have been about $1,200,000,000. The interest on' this
sum is $72,000,000. They have created a commerce worth $10,000,000,000
annually. Such a commerce has enabled the people to pay $400,000,000 into
the public treasury with far greater ease than they could have paid
$100,000,000 without them. No line of ordinary importance was ever
constructed that did not, from the wealth it created, speedily repay its
cost, although it may sever have returned a dollar to its share or
bondholders. If this be true of local and unimportant works, how much more
so must it be of great lines, which will open vast sections of our public
domain, now a desert, but abounding in all the elements of wealth.
therefore, there are but few cases which would justify the Government in
extending aid to railroads, there are some in which its interposition
becomes an imperative duty. In addition to the Central line now
constructed, nothing could be more promotive of the general welfare than
the opening, by its aid, both the Northern and Southern routes. Upon each
of these are immense extents of territory, full of natural wealth, but
which, without a railroad, are utterly beyond the reach of settlement or
commerce. Aid extended to both lines, instead of weakening the public
credit, would greatly strengthen it . . . .
V. Poor, Manual of the Railroads of
the United States, 1869-1870
(New York, 1869), xlvi-xlviii passim.