Using the Making of America sites.

The Making of America online collection of primary source documents is maintained by Cornell University and the University of Michigan.

Between the two sites, there is a large collection of books and periodicals.

One particularly useful periodical for this course is the North American Review, which is available from the Cornell site.

Go to the Cornell MOA site, and click 

Type in Eliphalet Nott, and click Submit Query:

Choose "View matches in journal articles"

Choose one of the titles, (say "Lectures on Temperance").

Click on the title or the first page number of the article, you should see the review in the North American Review of Nott's book:

- Source: The North American review. / Volume 85, Issue 177 (October, 1857), p. 572.  Digitized at

You can view the page in several different formats: page image, text, pdf, by using the pull-down menu.  You can move from page to page by using the pointing hands, or the Go To Page#  feature.    

You can also browse the contents of a journal by using the button.

Cornell has relatively more periodicals, U Michigan has more books.

Click the "BACK" button on your browser when you are finished with these instructions.

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Page created and maintained by J. Douglass Klein; last modified 12/27/00 .