A macroprudential approach to managing climate risk. By Paul
Hiebert, CEPR, 1/17/2024.
A Victory Lap for the Transitory Inflation Team. By Joseph
Stiglitz, Project Syndicate, 11/13/2023.
Pentagon Tries to Cast Bank Runs as National Security Threat.
By Ken Klippenstein and Daniel Boguslaw, 4/3/2023.
US Banks Have $620 Billion of Unrealized Losses on Their Books.
By Noah Buhayar, et al, 3/31/2023.
A New Chapter of Capitalism Emerges From the Banking Crisis.
By John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldrige, Bloomberg, 3/22/2023.
What’s a Minsky Moment, and Why the Worries About One. Edna
Curran, Bloomberg, 3/21/2023.
JPMorgan Sees Increasing Chances of ‘Minsky Moment’. Carmen
Reinicke, Bloomberg, 3/20/2023.
►Will there be a Global Economic Crash? Nouriel Roubini
(interviewed), BBC Channel 4, 12/16/2022.
‘Huge, Missing and Growing:’ $65 Trillion in Dollar Debt
Sparks Concern. By Greg Ritchie,
Bloomberg, 12/5/2022. (and
Mainstream Media Has Morphed from Battling the Fed in
Court in 2008 to Groveling at its Feet Today. By Pam
Martens and Russ Martens, Wall Street on Parade, 1/11/2022.
How the West poisoned its money. By Yanis Varoufakis,
Project Syndicate, 10/10/2022.
in a crisis and it will get worse in the coming months.
Jeffrey Sachs (interviewed), Prague Public Finance Institute, 8/25/2022.
Economists Pin More Blame on Tech for Rising Inequality. By
Steve Lohr, The New York Times, 1/11/2022.
The Price of Happiness. U.N. Power Broker Jeffrey
Sachs Took Millions From the UAE to Research “Well-Being”.
The Intercept, 11/29/2021.
The Future of Work | Are Redistribution Policies Enough?
Institute for New Economic Thinking Webinar on 1/12/2021,
Here and
here. [There are several other webinars on this topic at this
“Your Debt Is Someone Else’s Asset”: Calls Mount to
Cancel Debt & Halt Wealth Transfer to the Rich.
DemocracyNow!, 12/9/2021.
The Choking of the Global Minotaur. By James K. Galbraith,
Project Syndicate, 11/11/2021.
Silenced Majority. By Rana Dasgupta, Harper's Magazine,
Reading list.
The Krugman Boom? Don’t Count on It. By Dean Baker,
CounterPunch, 11/23/2020.
The NYT Prints Its Usual Nonsense About Bubbles. By Dean
Baker, CounterPunch, 11/5/2020.
Leak reveals $2tn of possibly corrupt US financial activity. By
David Pegg, The Guardian, 9/20/2020.
Are We All Keynesians Again? By Andrés Velasco, Project
Syndicate, 8/25/2020.
How to Prevent the Looming Sovereign-Debt Crisis.
By Joseph Stiglitz and Hamid Rashid, Project Syndicate,
Revisiting the White Swans of 2020. By Nouriel Roubini,
Project Syndicate, 7/29/2020.
Crash of 2008 & The Pandemic of 2020: The Combination That Changed
Capitalism Forever Yanis Varoufakis, Institute for New
Economic Thinking, 7/2/2020.
Monetary Finance in the Age of Corona Virus: MMT and the Green New Deal.
An Alchemist Explains to Joe Sixpack: ‘COVID-19 Alters America’s Hidden
‘War’ Forever’. By Alastair Crooke, Strategic Culture
Foundation, 4/13/2020.
How black swans are shaping planet panic. By Pepe Escobar,
Asia Times, 3/11/2020.
Useless Wells Fargo Settlement Shows the Rule of Law Ended Long Ago.
By David Dayen, The American Prospect, 2/24/2020.
Brexit’s Stealthy Rationality.
By Yanis Varoufakis, Project Syndicate, 2/21/2020.
The White Swans of 2020.
By Nouriel Roubini, Project Syndicate, 2/17/2020.
What Economists Still Don’t Get About the 2008 Crisis. By Noah
Smith, Pocket/Bloomberg, 12/30/2019--originally 12/29/2018.
A Wicked Cocktail of Corporate Greed, Social Media and Opioids Is
Slashing U.S. Life Expectancy Rate. By Robert Bridge,
Strategic Culture, 11/30/2019.
'Everything Is Not Fine'. By Jin Queally, Portside,
It's time to retire metrics like GDP. They don't measure everything that
matters. By Joseph Stiglitz, The Guardian, 11/24/2019.
Cryptoqueen: How
this woman scammed the world, then vanished. BBC,
The End of Neoliberalism and Rebirth of History. By Joseph
Stiglitz, 11/14/2019.
The Allure and Limits of Monetized Fiscal Deficits. By Nouriel
Roubini, Project Syndicate, 10/28/2019.
Race for Profit: Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor on How Banks & Real Estate Biz
Undermined Black Homeowners. By Keeanga-YamahttaTaylor,
DemocracyNow, 10/22/2019.
Bernie Sanders Would “Transform the Lives of Poor and Working-Class
People”. By Keeanga-YamahttaTaylor, DemocracyNow,
From Mike Brown to Atatiana Jefferson, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor Examines
5+ Years of #BlackLivesMatter. By Keeanga-YamahttaTaylor,
DemocracyNow, 10/22/2019.
The Anatomy of the Coming Recession. By Nouriel Roubini,
Project Syndicate, 8/22/2019.
Black Hole Monetary Economics. By Larry Summers, 8/22/2019.
How the Recession of 2020 Could Happen. By Neil Irwin, The
New York Times, 8/17/2019.
Taxing the Very Rich. By Paul Krugman.
Economic Policy Institute, 7/1/2019.
RT, 5/27/2019.
$20 Trillion Later ... Where Did All the Money Go?, By Emad Mostaque,
Three Body Capital, 4/28/2019.
Was the Stock-Market Boom Predictable? By Robert Shiller,
Project Syndicate, 3/29/2019.
70% Marginal Tax Tate, Inequality, Growth. By Eileen Appelbaum,
of Opportunity, Inequality of Income and Economic Growth. By
Shekhar Aiyar and Christian Ebeke, February 2019.
The Next Recession: What It Could Look Like. By Dean
Baker, CounterPunch, 1/21/2019.
Economics for Inclusive Prosperity. By Suresh Naidu, Dani
Rodrik, and Gabriel Zucman, January 2019.
Recession Risks for the United States in 2019. By Dean Baker,
CounterPunch, 12/20/2018.
Explaining a Decade of Stagnation: Where Do We Go From Here?
By Steven Fazzari, INET, 12/14/2018
US Household Debt Hits Record $13.5 Trillion As Delinquencies Hit 6 Year
High. By Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge, 11/16/2018.
Crisis After Crisis: 10 years After the Crash, there is no
'Reforming' Global Capitalism. By Walden Bello, FPIF,
Wasting the Lehman Crisis: What Was Not Saved Was the Economy.
By Michael Hudson, Counterpunch, 9/20/2018.
10 Years After the Crisia ... They's doing the Same Thing and Expecting
Different Results. By Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge,
Getting it Wrong Again: Consumer Spending and the Great Recession.
By Dean Baker, Counterpunch, 9/18/2018.
The Bailout of 2008 was Unnecessary. By Dean Baker,
Counterpunch, 9/17/2018.
BCA: The "Bubble In Everything" Threatens $400 Trillion
In Assets. By Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge, 9/16/2018.
Ten Years After the Financial Crisis, the Contagion Has Spread to
Democracy Itself. By Zach Carter, Huffpost, 9/15/2018.
Ten Years After the Crash, We’ve Learned Nothing.
By Matt Taibbi, Portside, 9/15/2018.
The Credit Crunch and the Great Recession. By Paul Krugman,
The New York Times, 9/14/2018.
The Trump Economy Is on the Path for Another Financial
Crisis — And It's Likely to Be Even Worse This Time.
By Lynn Parramore, Alternet, 9/14/2018.
The Making of a 2020 Recession and Financial Crisis. By
Nouriel Roubini and Brunello Rosa, Project Syndicate, 9/13/2018.
The Bailouts for the Rich Are Why America Is So Screwed
Right Now. By Matt Stoller,
Vice, 9/13/2018.
The Great Recession Knocked Them Down. Only Some Got Up Again.
By Ben Casselman, et al, The New York Times, 9/12/2018.
The Recovery Threw the Middle-Class Dream Under a Benz. By
Nelson D. Schwartz, The New York Times, 9/12/2018.
From Trump to Trade, the Financial Crisis Still Resonates 10 Years Later.
By Andrew Ross Sorkin, The New York Times, 9/10/2018.
Lehman: Political and Personal. By Andy Kessler, WSJ,
What We Need to Fight the Next Financial Crisis. By Ben
Bernanke, Timothy Geithner and Henry Paulson, The New York
Times, 9/7/2018.
Just How Much Does America's 1% Have in Savings? By Tyler
Durden, ZeroHedge, 9/1/2018.
Why Wall Street Isn’t Useful for the Real Economy. By Lynn
Stout, evonomics, 9/1/2018
Looking Back at the Economic Crash of 2008. By Fareed Zakaria
(reviewing Crashed Adam Tooze), The New York Times, August
10, 2018.
Lehman Lessons. By Howard Davies et al, Project Syndicate,
August 2018.
Ten Years after Bear Stearns, U.S. Financial Stability Is again in
Danger. By Katharina Pistor, Institute for New Economic
Thinking, 3/12/2018.
The Next Financial Crisis Will Be Worse Than the Last One. By
Nomi Prince, AlterNet, 12/30/2017.
Student Debt Slavery: Bankrolling Financiers On the Backs of The
Young. Mint Press, 12/29/2017.
- Paradise
Papers: Tax haven secrets of ultra-rich exposed. BBC,
Yanis Varoufakis blows the lid on Europe's hidden agenda.
EFN, 5/5/2017.
These Five Men Own as Much Wealth As Half Of The Entire World’s
Population. ati, 6/16/2017.
Now Just Five Men Own Almost as Much Wealth as Half the World's
Population. By Paul Buchheit, CommonDrems,
The Financial Impact of Sovereign Debt Around the World. 2017.
UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index. 9/28/2017
U.S. Credit-Card Debt Surpasses Record Set at Brink of Crisis, By
Jennifer Surane, Bloomberg, 8/7/2017.
How Letting Bankers Off the Hook May Have Tipped the
Election. By Gretchen Morgenson, The
New Yrk Times, 11/11/2016.
Deutsche Bank Tumbles as DoJ Claim of $14 Billion Rebuffed.
Bloomberg, 9/16/2016.
Neoliberalism Oversold? By Jonathan D. Ostry,
et al, Finance and Development, 6/2016
Why Economists Took So Long to Focus on Inequality? By Justin
Fox, Bloomberg, 1/3/2016.
The Elites and the Rise of Donald Trump.
By Dean Baker,
Huffington Post, 5/30/2016
`Living Wills' For Five Big Banks Fail U.S. Regulators' Test.
Bloomberg, 4/13/2016.
The Credit Collapse Opened the Door for Trump and Sanders.
Bloomberg, 4/1/2016
Marxism 101: How
Capitalism is Killing Itself with Dr. Richard Wolff, Empire Files,
How the Government Polices What Student Debtors Spend.
Bloomberg, 11/2/2015
The Case for Cuts Was a Lie: Why Does Britain Still Believe it?
The Austerity Delusion. By Paul Krugman. The Guardian,
Wells Fargo's Master Spin Job. Matt Taibbi, RollingStone,
To Save the Euro, Leave it.
The New York Times, 6/26/2015.
Macroeconomic Causes of Inequality. Institute for New Economic
Thinking, Winter 2015
Have Large Scale Asset Purchases Increased Bank Profits?
Institute for New Economic Thinking, [undated]
- Record Fines for Currency Market Fix,
BBC News, 5/20/2015
The Recent Rise and Fall of Rapid Productivity Growth.
FRBSF Economic Letter, 2/9/2015
- The productivity slowdown:
Is structural stagnation our fate? LBO News, 2/9/2015
Continues a 35-Year Trend of Broad-Based Wage Stagnation. Economic Policy Institute, 2/19/2015
How JPMorgan Chase Helped Wreck the Economy. With Matt Taibbi
and Alayne Fleischmann, Democracy Now! 11/7/2014
The $9 Billion Witness: Meet JP Morgan Chase's Worst Nightmare.
Matt Taibbi, RollingStone, 11/6/2014
Why Weren't Alarm Bells Ringing?
The New York Review of
Books, 10/23/2014 [Review article by Paul Krugman]
Too Big to Jail.
Democracy Now!, 9/26/2014 [Minutes
17:59-19:12, 38:19-41:45, and 44:26-46:40.]
The Secret Recordings of Carmen Segarra.
This American Life,
Former Fed Bank Examiner Says Secret Tapes Show Fed Leniency.
NPR, 9/26/2014
The Blotch on Eric Holder's Record: Wall Street Accountability.
The Nation, 9/25/2014
Why the Experts Missed the Recession?
The New York Review of
Books, 9/25/2014
- Bank
of America in record $16.7bn mortgage settlement. BBC,
'Too big to Fail' Lives As Regulators Slam Banks' Living Wills.
HuffPost Business, 8/6/2014
Chinese Cash-Bearing [House] Buyers Drive U.S. Foreign Sales Up.
Bloomberg, 7/9/2014
- Recession 'led to 10,000 suicides'. BBC, 6/11/2014
The Biology of Risk,
New York Times, 6/7/2014
Why We're in a New Guilded Age.
The New York Review of
Books, 5/8/2014
U.S. banks enjoy 'too-big-to-fail' advantage: Fed study.
Reuters, 3/25/2014
Too Big to Fail Is Bigger Than You Think,
Marx Was Right: Five Surprising Ways Karl Marx Predicted
2014, Rolling Stone, 1/30/2014
Capitalism vs. Democracy.
The New York Times, 1/28/2014
[on Piketty]
The Financial Crisis: Why Have No High-Level Executives Been
Prosecuted? The New York Review of Books, 1/9/2014
The Strange Case of American Inequality.
Nation of Change,
The Debt We Shouldn't Pay [Review of David Graeber's
the First 5,000 Years]. The New York Review of Books,
May 9, 2013
The Beveridge Curve and Structural Unemployment. CEPR, 1/1/2013
The 13 Most Important Charts of 2013
Is U.S. Political Bubble About to Burst?
Asset Bubbles Found by Finnish Economist Inspired by Grandfather,
Bloomberg, 9/19/2013
By Every Measure, the Big Banks are Bigger.
The Last Mystery of the Financial Crisis. Matt Taibbi,
Rolling Stone, 6/19/2013
The Trillion Dollar Coin Nation of Change, 1/20/2012
Debt, Bain Capital, etc. Matt Taibbi,
Rolling Stone,
Debt-Ceiling Deja Vu Could Sink Economy, Bloomberg, 5/28/2012
Secret Fed Loans, November 27, 2011
- Debtocracy
"Workers' share of national income plummets to record low." (The
Lookout, June 14, 2011)
U.S. Economic Recovery? Five Destructive Myths" (Time,
Signs of Middle Class Decline, April 2011
- Currency wars,
Times, January 2011
- *How
exactly did inequality fuel the crisis? (The Economist,
Policy? Michael Spence (FT 07/09/10)
Stiglitz interview with
New Yorker, August 2009
"When Everyone Runs for the Exit," Lasse Heje Pedersen, 07/09
"Investment Potions: Investment Outlook, August 2009" Bill
Gross, 07/29/09 [check for prediction]
Galbraith on "Why
the economic crisis, and its solution, are bigger than you think."
Blinder on "Origins of the Financial Mess"
BBC World Service (10/29/08)
Tabb, "Four
Crises of the Contemporary World Capitalist System," (Monthly Review,
October 2008)
- Financial Bailout (Congressional
Quarterly Researcher, 10/24/08)
Alan Greenspan before Congress
(AP 10/23/08)
extended 6:35 video
Stiglitz' Lecture at Manchester University, UK (10/8/08)
"The Monster that Ate Wall Street" (Newsweek, 10/6/08)
Klein's lecture at the University of Chicago (10/6/08)
critique of the Bailout Plan (Democracy Now, 10/2/08)
Sanders' Critique of the Bailout Plan (U.S. Senate, 10/1/08)
Kucinich, “Is this the United States Congress or the Board of Directors
of Goldman Sachs?” (Democracy Now, 9/29/08)
Behind Insurer’s Crisis, Blind Eye to a Web of Risk (NY Times,
- Wall Street Meltdown Primer (FPIF,
"A Better Bailout" (The Nation, 9/26/08)
Bailouts History (ProPublica in
Mother Jones, 9/23/08)
interview with Terry Gross (Fresh Air, 9/23/08)
- Zingales' alternative plan (Vox,
- Zingales' alternative plan (detailed version,
Moyers/Phillips (NPR,
Diamond and Kashyap (Freakonomics,
CEO Compensation (New York Times, 4/6/2009)
- National Debt as a Percentage of GDP