- Choose a very clear and sharply-focused topic for the
relevant Subject Area. You will lose several points if your
topic is too general.
- The relevance of your topic to the Subject Area must
be clear. If in doubt, check with me.
- Assume that your readers know the mathematical models
that we covered in
class. Therefore, you should not repeat those models,
except as a "hook". You
may, of course, refer to those models.
- You need to make sure to provide an
analysis. Stay away from "opinion."
- Clarity of expression is essential. As much as
possible, try to avoid unnecessary jargon.
- Each Executive Summary should be at
most 3 pages long, typed, double-spaced, one-inch
margins all around, in Times New Roman 12-point font.
- Charts, graphs, references and/or any other ancillary
material may be put on additional pages. Specify ALL
your sources in a manner that is accessible by your readers.
- Make sure all your pages are numbered
- If need be, you may use either footnotes or endnotes.
- There is no need for a separate cover page. Make sure your Executive Summary has a crisp,
descriptive title (centered, in bolded Time New Roman 14-point font; do
not underline the title).
Please make sure to put down your name under the title in regular
(non-bolded) Times New Roman 12-point font.
- For referencing guidelines, check
Style Guidelines, or any recent
issue of the Journal of Economic Perspectives, available at the
Library. For samples of Executive Summaries (Part 1) from previous
years, go to
- The due date for each Executive Summary is indicated
in the Syllabus.
- Per syllabus: Submissions of the executive
summary are due at the beginning of class. Executive summaries must be
e-mailed to me in pdf format.