ISC 205-01 (A Minerva Course)
Inequality:  Economic and Social Perspectives

Teresa Meade and Eshragh Motahar/Fall 2015


Jeffrey Corbin

Environmental Threats, Unequally Borne--from Climate Change to Toxics Pollution
Wednesday, October 21, 2015, Olin 115

Human activities have altered a variety of measures of human and environmental health. However, the impacts of these activities are not spread evenly across the planet: certain regions and certain groups of people bear the brunt to a greater extent. We will consider these issue in the context of Environmental Justice, the concept that all people should have equal access to a clean environment. We will discuss specific cases, including pollution at the local scale and climate change at the global scale, where this concept is violated. While true equality may be impossible, we will discuss ways it come closer to reality and how the worst examples can be avoided.

Professor Corbin's website.




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Last revised:  Tuesday, September 08, 2015