Economics 498 and 499

Economics Department Policies for the Senior Thesis 
Fall 2024-Winter 2025


  1. The final copy of your thesis must be turned in to your thesis adviser no later than 4:30 p.m. on the final day of regular classes of the second term.  Theses not meeting this deadline will be given grades of F.

  2.  Oral examinations will be held during the 9th week of the first term of work and will help determine whether the student receives a grade of Pass for that term. The timing of the exam will be determined by the thesis advisor. (For double majors writing three-term theses, the economics advisor determines whether this exam is held in the first or second term of work.) For this exam, the student must submit to the examiner, at least 48 hours before the exam time, written material which conforms to the instructions given by the thesis advisor.  The feedback from the examiner will be sent to the thesis advisor and will be a factor in determining the final grade.

  3.  Attendance at writing workshops arranged by the Department is mandatory.

  4.  In order to pass the first term you must submit, by the end of the first term, at least 15 written pages (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font), accompanied by a plan for completion of the thesis, or a thesis outline.  This material must include your response to the feedback from your examiner.

  5.  Final grades depend on both the product you produce and the process[1] by which it is produced.

  6.  Requirements for Honors:  Departmental honors require that a student enroll in and successfully complete the Honors Program. The eligibility requirements for the honors program in economics are, in additional to the college-wide requirements, (1) a minimum grade average of 3.3 in Economics 241, 242, and 243, (2) nomination for honors at the end of the first term of thesis work by the advisor and first-term oral examiner, (3) a minimum grade of “A minus” on the senior thesis; and (4) a presentation in the Steinmetz Symposium in the Spring term.  In addition, the student must satisfy all College requirements for departmental honors.

Senior Thesis Oral Examination

Instructions for Students

 Please submit the following material, in hard copy format, to your examiner at least 48 hours before your oral exam time.

 1.     An abstract which conforms to the following guidelines:

    a.  It should be not more than 750 words long.

    b.  It should include a working title for your thesis.

    c.  It should address the following questions:

            -What is your thesis question/hypothesis?

            -What is the economic importance/relevance of the thesis question/hypothesis?

-What is the connection (subject/methodology) between your thesis and the existing literature (please discuss at least two items—books, journal articles, etc.—of closely related work, including models/data used, conclusions reached, etc.)?

             -What is your expected contribution?

 2.      An annotated bibliography:  that is, a list of sources that you have consulted, including with each source a short summary.

 Please make sure to identify yourself and your thesis advisor on the first page.

[1] “Process” includes, but is not limited to, attending meetings scheduled between advisor/advisee, submitting required material on time, and attending the writing workshop(s) arranged by the Department.


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Last revised:  Saturday, August 03, 2024