Prof. Cheikh Ndiaye

Union College Department of Modern Languages

Cheikh M. Ndiaye

Department of Modern Languages and Literature
Union College
Schenectady, NY  12308

Education | Fellowships and Grants | Publications | Conference Papers | Teaching Experience | Languages


1994-2000 University of Connecticut
Ph.D. in French
Completion:  November 27, 2000
1993 University of Dakar
M.A. in French
Completion:  July 1993
1991 University of Dakar
B.A. in French
M.A. Thesis: Title: “L’épopée orale sérère: La geste de San Moon Fay.”

Field work: collection and recording of oral epics from different Griots in rural areas in Senegal; transcription into local dialect (Sérère), translation into French, and literary analysis. The research considers the story of San Moon Fay who represents an historical and mythical figure in the ancient Serere kingdom of Sine, and whose story provides a strong model of sociopolitical structures, local modes of thoughts, expressions, and beliefs in pre-colonial West African societies.

Completion: July 1993

Ph.D. Dissertation: Title: “Reawakening the Repressed: Post-colonial narrative Strategies in Calixthe Beyala’s Tu t’appelleras Tanga (1988), Patrick Chamoiseau’s Texaco (1992), and Rachid Mimouni’s La Malédiction (1992).

This study considers the implementation of narrative strategies seeking to find a new “post-colonial identity” in North Africa, West Africa, and the French speaking Caribbean islands. Hence, it explores the French language that these particular authors now “appropriate” and “rearticulate” to mirror local meanings and repressed desires. The study also analyses the ways these three authors attempt to surpass certain colonial quarrels in mobilizing their critical vision in regard to local powerstructures (gender, religious, class, and political conflicts) they individually experience or witness in their specific societies.

Completion: November 2000

Committee: Professor McNeece, Lucy (main advisor) and Professor Celestin, Roger: dept of Modern and Classical Languages, University of Connecticut; Professor Lee, Sonia: dept of Modern Languages and Literature, Trinity College, Hartford, CT.

Fellowships and Grants:

2009 Grant to purchase Osvalde Lewat-Hallade's films for a new course on African women cinema to be team taught with colleague Michelle Chilcoat in near future.
2008 Grant for Faculty Travel Fund to attend African Diaspora Film Festival in New York City from 11/223 to 12/9, 2008.
2007 Symposium on "Literature and the Arts in Senegal I: Birago Diop and Léopold Sédar Senghor, Then and Now." Conference paper. Indiana University, Bloomington. Faculty Research Fund, Union College.
2006 60th Annual Convention of the RMMLA (Rocky Mountain Modern Languages Association), Tucson, Arizona. Paper, Chair, Alternate chair.
Faculty Research Fund, Union College.
2005 Continuing research on book project. Humanities Development Board Grant, Union College.
Covering extra expenses for the 2005 NHU Summer Institute on African Cinema. IEF Grant, Union College.
RMMLA (Rocky Mountain Modern Languages Association) 59th Annual Convention in The Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Conference paper. Faculty Research Fund, Union College.
2002 Humanities Faculty Development Grant for continuing work to turn Master’s thesis into a book.
Union College, Schenectady, NY
2000-2001 Grants from IEG and UNITAS to fund Dr. Raouf Mama’s visit on campus as a guest speaker.
Union College, Schenectady, NY
1997-2000 Graduate Fellow in French.
Trinity College, Hartford, CT
1994-1996 Teaching Assistant in French.
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
1992-1993 Grant for field research work in rural areas in relation to my Master’s thesis.
University of Dakar, Senegal



« Rapports Amérique du Nord-Caraïbe Francophone : Problématique de l’Espace ou du Statut ? ». Contemporary French and Francophone Studies Journal, Vol. 14, No. 3, June 2010, 241–246.


« Entretien avec Osvalde Lewat-Hallade, jeune réalisatrice d’origine camerounaise,”  article featuring an interview with prize-winning Cameroonian filmmaker Osvalde Lewat, co-authored with colleague Michelle Chilcoat. French Review, 2009, Volume 83 No 2 : 388-396.


«Marronnage, oralité et écriture dans Solibo Magnifique de Patrick Chamoiseau »,  in Francophone studies journal Nouvelles Etudes Francophones Journal (NEF) 22.2 ( Fall 2007) :112-121.    


«Histoire et mythes du Pays Sérère dans la poésie de Léopold Sédar Senghor. » Special Dossier on Léopold Sédar Senghor edited by Alain Mabanckou. Nouvelles Etudes Francophones Journal (NEF), 2006, Volume 21 No 2: 23-32.


«Remembrance and/or Oblivion: The Politics of Memory», West African Research Association  Newsletter (WARA),Spring 2006: 15-16.

2006 - Book Preface

Preface. Septième Printemps/Seventh Springtime, book (collection of poems) by Ramonu Sanusi. Huy (Belgique): Les Editions du Pangolin, 2006: 6-7.
* Dr Sanusi, the author of the book, is Assistant Professor of French and African and Caribbean literatures at Georges Mason University in Fairfax (Virginia).

2003 “La Mort, signe de révèlation de soi dans Une si longue lettre de Mariama Bâ et dans L’Interdite de Malika Mokeddem” Francographies, a review for SPFFA (Society of French and Francophone Professors in America), Volume No 12 Nouvelle Série: 69-77

“Voix d’une femme exilée: L’écriture de l’espace et de la mémoire chez Calixthe Beyala,” Francographies, Bulletin de la Société des Professeurs de Francais et Francophones d’Amérique, Volume No 11 Nouvelle Série: 135-143

1998 “La zombification vue par Jean Stephen Alexis dans Chroniques d’un faux-amour et par René Depestre dans Hadriana dans tous mes rêves,” Francographies, Acte II, No Spécial 1:107-114.

1997 - Book Chapter

«L’épopée de San Mone Faye: Version de C. Mbacke NDIAYE, Dakar, 1993  mémoire inédit, » a book chapter in Lylian Kesteloot et Bassirou Dieng’s,  Les Epopées d’Afrique noire, Paris: Editions Karthala, 1997: 280-300.

Conference Papers:


“Du patois du Périgord au Oualof : les frères Tharaud entre Francisation et Négritude,” at the April 15-16 conference on Intellectualism in Francophone Africa, celebration of Abdoulaye Sadji’s centennial; organized by the Department of French and Romance Philology and La Maison Française. Paper features La randonnée de Samba Diouf, co-written by Jérôme and Jean Tharaud, two French brothers thought to be among the precursors of the Negritude movement in the 1920s. Columbia University, New York, New York, April 2010.


 « Rapports Amérique du Nord-Caraïbe Francophone : Problématique de l’Espace ou du Statut ? », at the February 25-27 conference on the Francophone Caribbean and North America organized by the Winthrop King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies. Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. February 2010.


“Léopold Sedar Senghor: The Poetic writing of the Origin.” Symposium on “Literature and the Arts in Senegal I: Birago Diop and Léopold Sédar Senghor, Then and Now” following the centennial birthdays in 2006 of Léopold Sédar Senghor, poet, former member of l’Académie Française, and co-founder of the Négritude movement. Indiana University, Bloomington, March 2007.  


 «Paradoxe d’un mythe originel : l’image du «vieil homme» dans L’esclave vieil homme et le molosse de Patrick Chamoiseau et Nuée ardente deRaphaël Confiant ». 60th Annual Convention of the RMMLA (Rocky Mountain Modern Languages Association), Tucson, Arizona. October 2006.


«Je parle […] Tu écris: Marronnage ou Survivance? De l’Oralité et de l’Ecriture dans Solibo Magnifique de Patrick Chamoiseau». RMMLA (Rocky Mountain Modern Languages Association) 59th Annual Convention. Coeur d’Arlene, Idaho, October 2005.

April 2002 “La mort, signe de révèlation à soi dans Une si longue lettre de Mariama Ba et dans L’Interdite de Malika Mokkedem,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, University of Kentucky, KY
March 2002 “Le marronnage comme métaphore dans Solibo Magnifique de Parick Chamoiseau,” 6th Colloquium of the SPFFA ( Société des Professeurs Francais et Francophones en Amérique), Fordham University, NY.
March 2001 “San Moon Fay: une figure épique dans l’ancien royauume du Sine au Senegal,” Colloquium on Francophone Western Africa at Evansville University, Indiana.
November 2000 “Reawakening the Repressed: Post-colonial narrative Strategies in Calixthe Beyala’s Tu t’appelleras Tanga ( 1988), Patrick Chamoiseau’s Texaco (1992), and Rachid Mimouni’s La Malédiction (1992),” defense, Department of Modern and Classical Languages, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
March 2000 “Reawakening the Repressed: Language and Representation in Patrick Chamoiseau’s Texaco,” Fourth Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference, Department of Modern and Classical Languages, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
January 2000 “Relation to Language and Representation in Calixthe Beyala’s Tu t’appelleras Tanga,” talk for my campus interview for a Visiting Instructor of French position. Union College
November 1999 “Jacques Derrida’s Politics of Friendship and its significance for the concept of politics, brotherhood, nationalism as well as gender issues,” Co-presentation with Kenneth Lloyd-Jones, Professor of French and Chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literature (Trinity College); invitation from TCCTR (Trinity Center for Collaborative Teaching & Research ); Trinity College, Hartford, CT.
May 1999 “La métaphore de l’exil dans l’écriture Romanesque de Calixthe Beyala,” Colloquium by SIEF ( Séminaire International d’Etudes Francophones), University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
February 1998 “L’Afrique à l’époque des royaumes: le cas du Sine au Senegal,” Alliance Française, Hartford, CT.
March 1996 “La zombification vue par Jean Stephen Alexis dans Chroniques d’un faux-amour et par René Depestre dans Hadriana dans tous mes rêves,” Colloquium by SPFFA ( Societe des Professeurs Francais et Francophones en Amerique), Fordham University, NY.

Teaching Experience:

Associate Professor of French and Francophone studies, Union College, 2008-Present.
Assistant Professor of French. Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Union College, NY. 2002-2008.
Visiting Assistant Professor of French. Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Union College, NY. 2001-2002.
Visiting Instructor of Modern Languages (French).Union College, NY. 2000-2001
Graduate Fellow in French. Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Trinity College, Hartford Connecticut, 1997-2000
Assistant Instructor of French. Department of Modern and Classical Literatures, University of Connecticut, 1994- 1996

Courses Taught :

Basic French I. Basic French II. Basic French III. Intermediate French I. Intermediate French II. Advanced French : Modern France/La France Actuelle;   Survey of French Literature I : The evolution of French literature from the earliest writing through the age of Enlightenment; Survey of French Literature II :  French literature and society from the late eighteenth century to the present; Studies in the French Caribbean; Reading in French and Francophone Cultures- term-abroad in France; Negritude Movement: Point of departure in Black African and Afro-Caribbean literatures in French; Special Topic in Narrative Studies: Studies in the French Novel, 1800-1914.  MLT 213, West African Oral Literature: West African oral genres with a focus on folktales and epic stories in their form and ideologies; Voices of Francophone Literature from French Speaking Countries and Territories other than France; French Senior Project. Forum in which senior students explore in depth a French or Francophone topic of current interest and importance for their senior theses. Supervisory Experience:       Independent Study: individual directed readings in French and Francophone studies;  Senior Thesis Forum in which students
explore in depth an interdepartmental topic of current interest and importance;  Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) in Modern Languages. MAT thesis.


  • French (near native)
  • Serere (native)
  • Wolof (native)
  • English (fluent)
  • Spanish (reading and basic conversation)


Education | Fellowships and Grants | Publications | Conference Papers | Teaching Experience | Languages

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