Photography at Union


distinctive photography projects:
- khang vodinh
"return to nha trang, vietnam"

- rebecca schwartz
"coping in college with ms"

- sarah tardiff
"st. anthony's church"

arts house hosts photography event
presentation of personal project work by
union college professor of
photography martin benjamin,
october 16, 2006.
projected images were selected from
the following projects: the atomicage,
rock shots, cuba, vietnam,
and saratoga race course.
compliments of an ieg grant,
and arts house.

shelby lee adams
union photo classes attended a
lecture sponsored by the
schenectady photographic socitey,
september 20, 2006. adams
showed recent work that he is
preparing for a new book.

Beyond the Gates Foundation:
nancy borowick, "ann of camden"


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