Union College Photography



2nd assignment: The Phone Book
process & requirements

©Kenneth josephson 1988

do 3 sucessive shoots (at least 3 rolls on 3 different occasions) of the phone book supplied.

this phone book must be in the photograph.



Remember that light, whether natural or artificial, is more dramatic when coming at the subject at a more extreme angle [i.e. early morning, late afternoon to early evening, or use photo reflectors on location similarly experimenting with the light coming from extreme angles to heighten form, texture, light and dark, and surface].
We have lights and light kits for loan.  Contact the lab tech.

Shoot the first roll for the assignment as an idea roll.  Take 36 different pictures with 36 different ideas.  After processing, make at least five 5x7 RC work-prints and evaluate the work. 

Take a second roll of film, trying new ideas, new lighting and/or returning to some ideas from roll #1 to refine.  Process and make at least five 5x7 RC work-prints.

Shoot at least a third roll of the phone book on a third shoot.  Make more work-prints and evaluate.  You should have at least 15 work-prints from all your shoots, and from those decide which 5 pictures you will make final fiber prints of for your final portfolio. 

If necessary to get fine results [and try more ideas], you may shoot more film.

Final phone book requirements:
3 contact sheets [with selections made]

15 RC work-prints

5 final prints


Link to Abelardo morell page