Union College Photography




Union College - Photography 2
Professor Martin Benjamin

Intermediate photography, with an emphasis on refinement of technique and development of personal imagery.  Lectures, studio practice, slide presentation of photographers’ work, and critiques provide a basis for creative response, evaluation and understanding of tradition in photography. The objective in Photo 2 is to heighten the craft level of the processing steps and to heighten approaches to making pictures in respect to imagination, visualizing and creative thought ideas.

Prerequisite:  Photography 1  Limited enrollment, by permission of instructor.


Attendance - Attendance is mandatory for all class sessions.  A phone call or email does not excuse you from class.  If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to contact another student in the class to find out what was missed.  You are responsible for keeping up with all work and assignments that are due, regardless of any absences.

Lock Up - You must lock up any studios you have worked in when you are done.  You must always lock up the enlarging/print finishing area door when you leave if you are the last to leave.  This includes on Tuesday & Thursday after class.

Running water - You cannot leave prints or film washing if you are not present.  If you have water running you must be present.  You cannot leave prints in the washer – you need to finish them to completion before you leave.  Each student is responsible for washing and drying their prints – ALWAYS.   Do not leave unfinished or wet prints in the washers or in trays.

Safety - You are not allowed to work after 11:30 at night in the studios alone.  Security does not check the building during the night, so this is a very important health and safety issue.

Respect the equipment and facilities - Please take care when using the equipment and shooting studio.  Use the backdrops sparingly – do not pull it out onto the floor unless you absolutely have to and please check with the lab tech about it beforehand.  Do not wear shoes on the backdrop, and try not to wrinkle or crease the backdrop paper.  Do not force anything that does not seem to be working.  Inform the lab tech.  In the event that something is not working properly or something is missing, you need to notify the lab tech immediately and please make notes about such things on the sign in / sign out sheets.

sign in / sing out sheets  - It is necessary for you to use the sign in / sing out sheets.  You have unlimited access to the studios during the term, but you must sign in and out to help us keep track of traffic, chemical use, studio use and any problems you may note on the sheets.

Notebook – you are supplied with a notebook to keep class notes in.  It is required that you take notes about class activities, critiques, class presentations, field trips, and occasional written assignments.  Also utilize the notebook for writing ideas and making potential picture sketches in.  Keep all you handouts in the notebook and bring the notebook to class.

Camera – bring your camera to class.  We will discover issues from your negatives, contact sheets and prints that can only be discussed sometimes if you have your camera present.  Otherwise any such questions will have to wait until the next class you bring your camera to.

Supplies - You will receive all the supplies you need to complete the work for the course.  If you run out of film or paper we usually have some surplus to sell you at a good price, but we are not a retail photo store so anything different that you might need is your responsibility to acquire.  All of that is done through the lab tech only.

Equipment – You will be signed out a tripod for the entire term.  Any other equipment that is available for loan [or return] must be done through the lab tech only.  Equipment must be returned in the same condition it was loaned out.

Work-prints – In photo 2 we concentrate more on shooting and making work-prints throughout the term.
You are supplied with 100 sheets of 5x7 RC paper to enable you to make more prints quickly and easily.
However, it is expected that you take special care and time to make good quality and neat work-prints.
50 work-prints are required to be turned in with your final portfolio, along with contact sheets, finished prints and your class notebook.

Special needs - If you have any special needs that might impact your participation in the class or getting your work completed on time, it must be documented through the Dean of Students office and you need to inform the professor about it by the second week of the term.

Please notify the professor about any problems you may be encountering during the term so a strategy for remedying the issue can be discussed and resolved.

Professor Benjamin    email - benjamin@union.edu x6455

For office hour appointments please sign up in advance on the sheets on my door so you will have a time reserved.

The lab tech hours, email address and phone number are posted on the lab tech’s office door.

Link to 1st assignment- paper bag