Union College




EDUCATION       Ph.D., Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures,

The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, December 2000

Dissertation:  "The Stranger in the City: Genre and Place in the Works of Nikolai Gogol and

Liudmila Petrushevskaia"

                           Advisers:       Angela Brintlinger (Slavic) and Sabra Webber (Comparative Studies)

Master of Arts (Literature and Linguistics), Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University, June 1995
Thesis:  "The Crimson Flower: A Tale Revisited"


Bachelor of Arts (German and Russian), Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin, May 1991

Exchange Program, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia, Autumn 1989


PUBLICATIONS   “Beauty and the Beast à la Russe.” Marvels and Tales: Journal of Fairytale Studies. Wayne State University
                              Press. F
orthcoming Vol. 22, No. 2 (2008), 32 pp. 


                              "The Case for Dynamic Exercise Systems in Language Learning" (with David Galloway).

Computer Assisted Language Learning: An International Journal (CALLIJ).  Forthcoming 2008, 16 pp. 


“Liudmila Petrushevskaia:  Voicing Marginalized Histories, Writing Women, Simulating Realities." Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture. Forthcoming 2008, 44 pp.


Asynchronous Computer-Assisted Classroom Discussion in the Beginning Level Russian Language Classroom” (with Natasha Anthony). Inventio: Creative Thinking About Learning and Teaching. George Mason University. Forthcoming 2007, 42 pp.


 “The Stranger in the Fictional Works of Nikolai Gogol's Arabesques.” New Zealand Slavonic Journal (NZSJ) 39: 1-36. Victoria University Press,   Dec 2006.  


“’Veronica’s Dream’: A Contemporary Albanian Fairytale.” Folklorica:  Journal of the Slavic and E. European Folklore Association (Translation from Albanian with Introduction and Notes.) Vol. XI, No. 1.  Edmonton:  Priority Printing (Autumn 2006): 78-116. 


                                    “The Dordolec: Albanian House Dolls and the Evil Eye.”  Journal of American Folklore 119

                                        (473): 337-355. University of Illinois Press, Summer 2006.


                                    "Circles and Crowds: ‘Svoi krug’ Liudmily Petrushevskoi v angliiskikh perevodakh"  [Circles and Crowds: Liudmila Petrushevskaia’s ‘Our Circle’ in English Translation] in Rossiia i S.Sh.A.: formy literaturnogo dialoga. Eds. M. Odesskaia and I. Masing-Delic.  Moscow:  Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi gumanitarnyi universitet (2000):  164-171.


"U nego bylo takoe zhe angel'skoe litso, iasnoe i dobroe" (Simvolika podteksta rasskaza 'Chernyi monakh')" [‘He had the same angelic face, kind and clear’: Underlying Symbols in the “Black Monk”] in Molodye issledovateli Chekhova. Moscow, Russia III (1998): 74-77.


Book Reviews            Susan Ingram. Zarathustra's Sisters: Women's Autobiography and the Shaping of Cultural History. Slavic and East European Journal. (Book Review) Vol. 49, No. 4 (Winter 2005). Lexington, Kentucky: 682-683.


                              Stephen Moeller-Sally. Gogol's Afterlife: The Evolution of a Classic in Imperial and Soviet Russia. Canadian Slavonic Papers. (Book Review) Vol. 47, No. 3-4 (Sept-Dec 2005).  Edmonton:  Priority Printing: 47.


                              Aleksandr Kondratiev. On the Banks of the Yaryn. Trans. Valentina G. Brougher. Folklorica:  Journal of the Slavic and E. European Folklore Association (Book Review) Vol. X, No. 1.  Edmonton:  Priority Printing (Spring 2005): 57-58.


                              Sally Dalton-Brown.  Voices from the Void: The Genres of Liudmila PetrushevskaiaCanadian Slavonic Papers. (Book Review) Vol. XLIII, No. 4.  Edmonton:  Priority Printing (Dec. 2001): 570-572.


Edited Journals           Associate Editor, Symposium. Syracuse University Press, April 2007-present.


                                        Co-Editor, The Middle East and South Asia Folklore Bulletin. The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Vol. 16, No. 2-3, Eds. Sabra J. Webber, Kristin Peterson and Ipek Celik, Spring 2000.


Edited Book         Fantasy or Ethnography?  Irony and Collusion in Subaltern Representation. Papers in Comparative Studies, Vol. 8, Eds. Sabra J. Webber and Margaret R. Lynd with Kristin A. Peterson, 1996: 3-254.


Other                             Golosa. Book 1, Third Edition. Internet Video Interviews and Web based Exercises

Textbook & CD         ( Richard Robin and Kristin Peterson. Prentice Hall, September, 2002.


                                    "Tochki zreniia". Ohio 5 Viewpoints Series, Russian Video CD-Rom Project "Crossing Cultures and Platforms" (with Arlene Forman). August 1999.



CONFERENCE        "Current Practical Issues in the Study and Teaching of Russian in the North American Context:

PRESENTATIONS  Russian Grammar Review Online." American Council for Teachers of Russian Conference, Washington DC, October 2007.


                                        "Molodets!: A Dynamic Web-Based Application for Producing Russian Grammatical Exercises."

                                        International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, HI, January 2006.


"Forum on Teaching with Technology: Molodets!" American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages Conference, Washington DC, December 2005.


"A Dynamic Application for Producing Language Exercises." American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 2004.


                                        "The Dordolec and the Evil Eye: Material Culture and Social Construct in Post-Community Albania." American Folklore Society Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2004.


    "A Stroll Along Nevsky:  The Flaneurs’ Voyeuristic Gaze in Gogol’s ‘Nevsky Prospect’." American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies Conference, Toronto, CA, November 2003.


                                        “Blackboard Discussion in the Beginning Level Russian Language Classroom” (with Natasha Anthony).

    Union College Learning and Teaching with Technology Curricular Support Lunch Talk. Schenectady, NY, October 2003.


    “Framing Evil and Framing Art: Gogol’s ‘Portrait’ and Chekhov’s ‘House with a Mezzanine.’”  Canadian Association of Slavists Conference, Halifax, CA, May 2003.


    "The Dordolec: Albanian House Dolls and the Evil Eye". American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages Conference, New York, New York, December 2002.


    "A family of Strangers: Liudmila Petrushevskaia’s ‘The Time: Night’". Canadian Association of Slavists

    Conference, Toronto, CA, May 2002.


   "Teaching Strategies in a Multimedia Classroom". Midwest Slavic Conference, Bowling Green University, Ohio, March 2002.


"Ramki iskusstva i zla:  Rasskazy N.V. Gogolia ‘Portret’ i A.P Chekhova ‘Dom s mezoninom’" in Molodye issledovateli Chekhova.  Crimean Ministry of Culture Chekhov Conference, Yalta, Ukraine, April 2002.


   "Writing From the Margins:  Liudmila Petrushevskaia's Construction of Genre and Place". Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY, April 2002. 


                                        “Teaching Strategies in a Multimedia Classroom”.  Union College Learning and Teaching with Technology Curricular Support Lunch Talk. Schenectady, NY, October 2001.


                                        "Mediation of Place: The Stranger in Gogol's 'Portrait'". American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages Conference, Washington, D.C., December 2000.


                                        "The Meaning and Function of Myth in Petrushevskaia's 'Medea'". American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies Conference, Denver, CO, November 2000.


"The Crowded Circle":  Liudmila Petrushevskaia's "Svoi krug". Conference on Literary Translation:  Priorities, Theory, Practice, Hoboken, NJ, November 2000.


"Negotiating Boundaries:  The Mediation of Place in Gogol's 'Portrait'". National Conference of the American Folklore Society, Columbus, OH, October 2000.


                              "Viewpoints: Using Computer Technology to Bring a Variety of Native Speakers into the Classroom".  Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY, April 2000.


                                        "Of Beauties and Circles:  The Function of Myth in Petrushevskaia's 'Svoi krug'". American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages Conference, Chicago, IL, December 1999.


                                        "Circles and Crowds: 'Svoi krug' Liudmily Petrushevskoi v angliiskikh perevodakh". Russian State Humanities University Conference, Moscow, Russia, April 1999.


                                        "The Meaning and Function of Myth in Petrushevskaia's 'Svoi krug'". University of Michigan - Ohio State University Slavic Colloquium, Ann Arbor, MI, March 1999.


                                        "An Evening with Yevgeny Yevtushenko". Conference on Literary Translation:  Priorities, Theory, Practice, Hoboken, NJ, November 1998.


                           "Borderline Poetics:  Identity and Difference in Vasko Popa's Earth Erect". National Conference of the American Folklore Society, Portland, OR, October 1998.


                           "'U nego bylo takoe zhe angel'skoe litso, iasnoe i dobroe' (Simvolika podteksta rasskaza 'Chernyi monakh')". Chekhovskie chteniia v Ialte:  Chekhov i Krym:  k 100-letiiu pereezda pisatelia v Ialtu.  Yalta, Ukraine, April 1998.


                           "Pushkin i Literaturnaia Gazeta:  Iconographic Representation of Pushkin in the Twentieth Century". Midwest Regional Conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Columbus, OH, April 1997.


                           "Beauty and the Beast: A Tale Revisited". National Conference of the American Folklore Society, Pittsburgh, PA, October 1996.

TEACHING          Associate Professor, Dept. of Modern Languages and Literatures, Union College

EXPERIENCE      Russian 100 Elementary Russian 1      Autumn 2005, 2003, 2002, 2001

                              Russian 101 Elementary Russian 2      Winter 2008, 2006, 2004, 2002

                              Russian 102 Elementary Russian 3      Spring 2007, 2006, 2005, 2003, 2002

                              Russian 200 Intermediate Russian 1     Autumn 2005, 2002, 2001

                              Russian 201 Intermediate Russian 2     Winter 2007, 2006

                              Russian 202 Advanced Russian 1        Spring 2006


                              Russian Literature Courses – Union College

                              Russian 133 The Russian Short Story (in Russian), Winter 2003

                              Russian 139 Illness and Its Representation: Madness, Disease and Death in Nineteenth and

                                                Twentieth Century Russian Culture, Autumn 2001

                              Russian 139b  The Forbidden: Eroticism, Passion & Death in Russian Culture, Autumn 2003


                              Modern Literature and Culture in Translation Courses – Union College                       

                              Modern Literature in Translation 66    The Vampire as Other in East European and American

         Culture, Spring 2007, 2005, 2002

Modern Literature in Translation 69    Magnificence, Mayhem and Mafia, Spring 2003

                              Modern Literature in Translation 264  Illness and Its Representation, Spring 2006


                              General Education Courses – Union College

Freshman Preceptorial The Other:  A Stranger Among Us?  Winter 2008, 2007, 2004, 2003; Autumn 2005



                              Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Modern Foreign Languages, Ohio Wesleyan U

                              Russian 111 Elementary Russian 2, Winter, Spring 2001

                              Russian 490 Intermediate Russian 2, Winter, Spring 2001


                              Graduate Teaching Associate, Slavic & East European Languages and Literatures, OSU

                              Russian 101 Elementary Russian 1, Autumn 1998

                              Russian 102 Elementary Russian 2, Winter 1998

                              Russian 103 Intermediate Russian 1, Spring 1998

                              Russian 135 Introduction to Russian Culture, Winter 1999, 2000

                              Russian 250 19th and 20th Century Masterpieces of Russian Literature in Translation,

                                                   Summer 1997, 1998; Autumn 1997, 1999; Spring 2000

                              Russian 407 Advanced Russian 3, Spring 1999

                              Slavic 130    The Vampire in Eastern European and American Culture, Autumn 2000


                              Lecturer, Department of Modern Foreign Languages, Ohio Wesleyan University

                              Russian 111 Elementary Russian 2, Winter, Spring 1999

                              Russian 490 Intermediate Russian 2, Winter, Spring 1999

                              Russian Language Instructor, OSU Continuing Education Program, Autumn 1998


                           German Language Instructor, World Language Institute, Adult Program, Autumn 1998


                           Group Leader and English Teacher, Refugee Camp, Hvar, Croatia, Summer 1994


                           English Teacher, Russian language school (forms six through twelve), Latvian Ministry of 

                           Education, Riga, Latvia, 1991-93



AWARDS/             External Grants/Awards

HONORS              Co-Recipient, Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program Grant (to host Russian Teaching Assistant at Union College 2007-08), Institute of International Education, June 2007


                              Co-Recipient, Department of Education Grant ($250,000): A Dynamic Grammar Trainer for Russian Verbs, April 2006


                              Co-Recipient, Mellon Foundation Grant ($30,000): A Dynamic Applicant for Producing Language Exercises, December 2003


                              Recipient, Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers Award, November 2003


                              Co-recipient, Mellon Foundation Grant: Ohio 5, "Crossing Cultures and Platforms", Jan 1999


                              Union College Grants


                              Union College Humanities Faculty Development Research Grant, Project: Birth Rites in Modern Albania, May 2008


                              Union College Humanities Faculty Development Research Grant, Project: Celebrating Contemporary Albanian Rituals, October 2007


                              Union College Humanities Faculty Development Research Grant, Project: Refashioning the Contemporary Albanian Literary Fairy Tale:  A Quest for Cultural Identity, March 2005


                              Union College Humanities Faculty Development Research Grant, Project: Research in Albania on The Dordolec: Albanian House Dolls, May 2002


                              Union College New Course Development and Enrichment Grant for Nationalism and Empire: Russian Music and Art of the Nineteenth Century, November, 2001                                            


                              Ohio State University Grants/Awards

                              Recipient, Ohio State University's Outstanding Teaching Award, May 1998

                              Recipient, Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, Serbo-Croatian, 1996-97

                           Recipient, Ohio State University's Outstanding Graduate Student Award, 1996-97

                           Member, Dobro Slovo, The National Slavic Honor Society, Spring 1993-present
Member, Phi Sigma Iota, The National Modern Languages Honor Society, 1990-present
Member, Mortar Board National Honor Society, 1990-present

                           Member, Golden Key National Honor Society, 1990-present


SERVICE              National

                              Vice President, Slavic and East European Folklore Association

                              AATSEEL Program Committee, Slavic and East European Section

                              Reader, Journal Folklorica

                              Reader, Journal Symposium


Union College

                              Russian Program Section Leader, 2001-present

Member, Committee on Advising, 2006-2007

                              Member, Modern Languages and Literatures Search Committee, German Position, 2005-06

Member, General Education Board, 2003-04

                              Member, Committee on Teaching, 2003-04

Member, Modern Languages and Literatures Curriculum Committee, 2004, 2006

Member, Intellectual Enrichment Fund Committee, 2002-03

Faculty Advisor, Russian and East European Culture Club, 2001-present


Ohio State University

Graduate Student Representative, Slavic Department Chair Search Committee, 1999-2000
Graduate Student Representative, University Electronic Dissertation Task Force, 1998-2000

                              Graduate Student Representative, Humanities Computing Advisory Board, 1994-2000
Graduate Student Representative, College of Humanities Curriculum Committee, 1996-98

Graduate Student Representative, Slavic Department Faculty Meetings, 1996-98
Slavic Representative, Council of Graduate Students, 1995-96
Volunteer Interpreter, Ohio State University Hospitals, 1994-present


Ohio Wesleyan University

Faculty Advisor, ACM Study Abroad Program, Winter, Spring 1999; Winter 2001

Faculty Advisor, Central and East European Language and Culture Club, Winter, Spring 1999; Winter 2001


RELATED            Resident Director, American Council of Teachers of Russian (ACTR) University and College Professors of Russian

PROFESSIONAL Exchange Program, Moscow State University, SU 2001


                              Editor, Slava:  Newsletter of the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and

                              Literatures, OSU, SU 2000


                              Co-Editor, The Middle East and South Asia Folklore Bulletin, Department of Near Eastern

                              Languages and Cultures, OSU, AU - WI, 1999-2000


                              Graduate Research Associate, Comparative Studies in the Humanities, OSU, SU 1996


                              Graduate Research Associate, Slavic Languages & Literatures, OSU, SU 1999


                              Web Master, OSU Slavic Department's and Slavic Center's first web pages, AU 1996


                              Russian Language Interpreter, North Central Mental Health Center, Columbus, 1995-96


                              Graduate Administrative Assistant, Comparative Studies in the Humanities, OSU, 1993-96


                              Translator (German-English), Desktop Publisher, Eppendorf, Madison, WI, Summer 1991


                              Computer Soft/Hardware Administrator, Beloit College, Beloit, WI, 1988-91


PROFESSIONAL  American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages

MEMBERSHIPS  American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies

                               American Folklore Society

                               Association for the Studies of Nationalities of Eastern Europe and Ex-USSR

                               Canadian Association of Slavists

                               Modern Languages Association

                               Slavic and East European Folklore Association


LANGUAGES       Russian - fluent in reading, writing, speaking             

                              Albanian - superior in reading, writing, speaking

Serbo-Croatian - fair to good in reading, writing, speaking

German - fair to good in reading, writing, speaking    

Latvian - fair in reading, writing, speaking

                              French - reading knowledge


REFERENCES     Angela Brintlinger, Associate Professor, Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University, (614) 292-6733.


Daniel Collins, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University, (614) 292-6733.


Arlene Forman, Associate Professor, Russian and East European Studies Program, Oberlin College, (440) 775-8650.


William Garcia, Associate Professor, Department of Modern Languages, Union College, (518) 388-6500.


Donald Lenfest, Professor and Chair, Department of Modern Languages, Ohio Wesleyan University, (740) 368-3665.


Sabra Webber, Professor, Division of Comparative Studies, The Ohio State University, (614) 292-2559.