A field guide to Kenyan
Many birds inhabit the Kenyan mangroves, including the mangrove kingfisher, weavers, eagles, waders, etc. Below is a sample of some of the birds you can see in the mangroves.
Yellow billed storks (Mycteria ibis) and one African spoonbill (Platalea
alba) (far left) walking past a singular Sonneratia
alba in Gazi Bay
Great egret (Casmerodius albus melanorhynchos)
Palm nut vulture (Gypohierax angolensis) Local people beleive that this bird calls as the tide starts to enter the mangroves, which on many occasions seemed correct.
all identifications using:
Zimmerman, D.A., D.A. Turner and D.J. Pearson, 1996. Birds
of Kenya and Northern Tanzania. Princeton University Press. pp 740.