Union Alumni and former Union photography student
Nancy "Nano" Borowick
Notes from Nancy Borowick: Former photography student, and maker of the project "Cancer Family" and book "The Family Imprint: A Daughter's Portrait of Love and Loss", wrote to us about some upcoming events she is involved in around the world.
- In November, I’m headed to Chicago to give the keynote speech at the Twist Out Cancer annual "Brushes With Cancer" event, where cancer patients are paired with artists who create work inspired by their new friends. Such a beautiful program and I hear the event is a great and inspiring time. Tickets are still available here.
- To Canada I go for the Real Life Photo Conference where I will be a presenter as well as a participant. It will be three empowering days of photography and community in beautiful Canmore, Alberta.
- If you are in Barcelona, Spain, I will be coming to town to exhibit and talk about my work at the Palau Robert thanks to the team at Photographic Social Vision and their DOCfield Festival. Dates are November 19-23rd.
In 2017 Nancy has published her first monograph, The Family Imprint, she was featured on CBS Sunday Morning, and was interviewed on NPR's All Things Concidered.
Nano has received international press recently in Photo District News (PDN) Magazine, one of the world's leading photography magazines. She is also becoming a regular contributing photographer to the New York Times.
These are the links to the Times articles featuring her work:
1. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/30/dining/an-indie-spirits-shop-a-history-book-on-ramen-real-baby-carrots-and-more.html?ref=dining&_r=0
2. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/30/dining/restaurant-review-cagen-in-the-east-village-and-ristorante-morini-on-the-upper-east-side.html?ref=dining
3. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/30/dining/hungry-city-rosette-on-the-lower-east-side.html?ref=dining
4. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/02/nyregion/patients-fear-mt-sinai-will-drop-low-cost-plans.html?ref=nyregion&_r=0
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