Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of New York is a field-intensive course in which all lab and field exercises are centered around the common theme of deciphering the tectonic history of eastern North America. In brief, this course requires concise, well-written lab reports for each field or lab exercise, and a final summary paper in which the individual parts (labs) are drawn into a final report that details the tectonic evolution of New York. Successful completion, and presentation of the lab exercises and the final report are the main requirements of this course. The goals of this course are to: 1) solve geological problems; 2) effectively organize, display, present, and interpret data for these different problems; 3) synthesize data sets to understand the regional geological picture.
Who should take this course? This is a core course for the major in the Geosciences, but Biology and Envvironmental Science students commonly take this course. It is an excellent introduction to observation, data collection, and report writing in a field science. It is suggested that you have already take a single Introduction course in the Geosciences before you take this. There are weekly field projects that are the focus of the course: there are no tests nor quizzes. The reports focus on data presentation, interpretation, and synthesis. This is a WAC course.
Offered: Every FALL Term