This is where all the professional inmformation goes. Since I'm RETIRED, and CERTAINLY not looking for a JOB, this is all useless stuff. But I thought I'd throw it in anyway.
Christopher C. Jones
Married, two grown daughters
B.S. Hobart College, 1957
M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1961
PhD. Iowa State University, 1967.
RETIRED from Union College: September 1, 2000.
Phi Beta Kappa (Hobart)
Epsilon Pi Sigma (Hobart)
Sigma Xi (Iowa State U., Union)
American Association of Physics Teachers
Professional Experience:
Retired on September 1, 2000. Back to my garden, my kayak, my camera, my grandchildren, ... Now and then I drop by the accelerator lab to talk to the guys (Scott and Mike) and see what they're doing. They haven't physically thrown me out yet!
1967- 2000 Union College, Professor of Physics. I have taught a wide variety of courses over the years including elementary physics, modern physics, optics, quantum mechanics, electricity and magnetism, scientific photography, and freshman level history of science course. As an experimentalist, I have played an active role in the development of undergraduate laboratories. Accelerator experiments developed include elastic scattering, RBS, and PIXE. X-ray experiments developed include X-ray spectra, powder diffraction, and Laue diffraction. I have had papers published in AJP on a Faraday's Law apparatus (now available commercially) and a mechanical resonance experiment. Over the years, I have had many students in senior projects. A good block of time has gone to developing and maintaining the accelerator. In the early years, this was a 400 KeV Van de Graaff, and since about 1991 has been a 1.1 MV pelletron tanden accelerator.
1962-1967 Iowa State University. Graduate student. Experimental nuclear physics. Designed, built, installed, and used a scintillation neutron detector to use to measure (gamma,n) cross sections in fluorine.
1960-1962 Hobart College, Instructor in Physics.
1957-1960 Johns Hopkins University, Graduate student. Took lots of courses and completed a M.A. by doing a simple Mossbauer experiment.
Publications and talks
"The construction and use of a 40" scintillation detector to measure (gamma,n) and (gamma, 2n) reactions in Fluorine. Nuclear Instruments and Methods 49 (1968) 229-236"
"Particle tracks in cellulose nitrate" with Pilcher and Ellmers, AJP (1972) 679-683
"Educational uses of the Union College 400 KeV Van de Graaff accelerator", NY State meeting of the APS, Brooklyn College, 1975
"Sublattice melting in PbF2" with R. Benenson, Electr
ochemical Society. Montreal, 1982; there was a Phys Rev article based on this work.
"Faraday's Law apparatus for the freshman laboratory" AJP Dec. 1987
"A mechanical resonance apparatus for undergraduate laboratories" AJP 63 (1995) pp 232-236
Address information:
Department of Physics
Union College
Schenectady, NY 12308Office phone: gone!