union college photography



making photographic prints

© Nina Mandel





Enlarger, Ilford Variable Contrast Filters
Enlarging lens dodging tool
Enlarging timer burning cards
Negative carrier trays & print tongs
Fine focuser, chemical graduates

Materials and chemicals:

Multigrade IV RC resin coated deluxe glossy surface [for contact sheets]
Multigrade IV FB Fiber double-weight glossy surface [for enlargements]
Kodak Dektol print developer
Stop bath
Kodak Fixer
Perma Wash [hypo eliminator]

Preliminary Procedure:

1. Trays should be set up and arranged in the order of processing: developer, stop, fix 1, fix 2, water rinse tray.

2. Obtain chemicals for the trays if they are not set up already.

Print developer is mixed 1:2 with water.
For our 11x14 inch trays a good amount is 20 ounces DEKTOL developer with 40 ounces of water. The diluted developer should be about 70ƒF.

Stop bath -64 ounces
It is mixed and ready in the large chemical tank. Draw off 64 ounces and pour into tray. Stop bath has a yellow indicator in it. When it is blue discard and replace with fresh.

Fixer - 64 ounces
There are two fix trays. Fix 1 is for initial fixing; fix 2 should always be fresher and insure complete fixing of prints.
Check fix trays with Hypo-Chek. Use only one drop. If a white precipitant forms where the drops falls the fixer is exhausted and should be replaced. Transfer exhausted fix into fixer graduate and pour into the "used fixer" tank. Fix should never be poured down the drain.

Always pour contents of Fix 2 tray [if it is still good] into the Fix 1 tray; then obtain fresh fixer for the Fix 2 tray. The fresher fix should always be in the Fix 2 tray.

Water Rinse Tray
This water should be dumped and changed periodically. It is not necessary to keep it running all the time. The water rinse tray should be 70ƒ-75ƒF.

Making Contact Prints - Proof Sheets

A contact print is a print made by contacting the negative to the photographic paper and exposing it to light. Proof sheets are prints with a roll of film contact printed. Proof sheets are also called contact sheets.

Additional equipment: a sheet of glass [supplied at the enlarger]. The glass should be clean. Anything on the glass will be printed on the contact sheet.

We make contact sheets with the enlarging lens all the way open at f/4.5 for 9 seconds.

We have one enlarger set up for contact sheets. It cannot be used for enlargements.

1. Place the photo paper shinny side up [emulsion side up] on the enlarger base.

2. Place the negative sheet exactly on the enlarging paper.

3. Put the glass over the negatives and paper. It the negatives are curled, you should press down evenly on the glass  to get good contact between negatives and paper - to insure your pictures look as sharp as they are.

4. Expose the paper. Use the expose switch on the enlarger to expose for the time you have it set for.

5. Process the contact sheet. The processing times for RC paper are:

Developer 1 minute
Stop 15-30 seconds
Fix 1- 2 minutes
Fix 2- 2 minutes
Water Rinse 4 minute

Transport the prints in a clean tray to drying area. Squeegee the prints and put on the screens to dry. Resin-coated paper [RC] is designed to be processed to completion. They should not sit in water.

Making adjustments in exposure for contact sheets:

Contact sheets that need to be darker [because the negatives are dense or over-exposed] have to be exposed for more time.
Contact sheets that need to be lighter [because the negatives are thin or under-exposed] have to be exposed for less time.
You can always make a test strip to determine the best exposure.

Making Photographic Prints:

1. Set the enlarging lens at f/8 for 35mm-size film.

2. Place the negative in the negative carrier shinny side up [emulsion down].

3. Blow the negative off with air. Use only very short bursts of air. Hold the can upright when using. If necessary use lens tissue and PEC-12 emulsion cleaner to clean the negative. Only do this if dirt shows up on your print.

4. Insert negative carrier into enlarger, being careful that it sits properly. Close the enlarger.

5. Put a contrast filter into the filter holder. Use #2 or #2.5 filter for a normal negative.
See section on Contrast Filters at the end

6. Making sure all white lights are off, proceed to make a print. Turn the enlarger on by turning on the enlarging timer and use the focus switch to turn on the enlarger's light.

7. Adjust the enlargement size by raising or lowering the enlarger, making sure to loosen the locking knob before moving up or down. Get the image to appear as you want the print to look on the enlarging easel.

8. Fine focus the negative on the easel with the focuser. The negative must be focused with the enlarging lens all the way open [looking the brightest]. Close the lens back down to f/8 after focusing and before exposing a test strip.

9. Turn off the enlarger through the timer. Move the button/switch from focus to time.

10. Set the timer for the desired exposure, and activate the timer by pressing the expose button. The timer will automatically turn off and reset itself after the exposure.

11. Process the print.

Tray Procedure:

Processing times for enlargements [fiber double-weight paper]
Developer 2 minutes
Stop 30 seconds
Fix 1- 4 minutes
Fix 2- 4 minutes
Water Rinse
Perma Wash 2 minutes
Final wash 20 minutes

 After exposure, place the paper in the dektol face up, making sure the developer covers the entire print evenly [use tongs to handle the print]. Touch the print on the edges only.

Agitate constantly, rocking the tray gently. Do not contaminate the developer by moving the tongs into the stop and back.

 Drain the excess developer from the paper by holding the print by the tongs on one corner of the paper. Let the developer drain into the tray. Count this in your developing time.

 Transfer the print into the stop bath and agitate for 30 seconds. Drain and transfer to the Fix 1 tray.

 Agitate the print in the fix 1 tray. After 1-2 minutes you can rinse the print in water, and put it in a print inspection tray to take out into the light and evaluate. The print will yellow if it is not initially fixed long enough or if it is kept in white light too long before fully fixing. Examine and evaluate the print under even bright light.

Return the print to the tray to fully fix. Transfer to Fix 2 after about 4 minutes in Fix 1.

Agitate prints in fix trays periodically to insure even fixing.

 After fully fixing in Fix 1 and Fix 2, drain the print and transfer to clean water until you are ready to perma wash and wash all your prints.

Washing and Drying Procedure:


Place prints in perma wash [hypo eliminator] for 2 minutes, agitating constantly.

 Wash prints in the print washer for 20 minutes. If new prints are added to the washer, washing cycle must be started over. Washed prints can be stored in the clean [red] trays.

 Transport the clean prints in the red tray to the squeegee area. Squeegee the back first, then the front and place on the drying screens face down. They will dry in a few hours, or overnight - or you can use a hair dryer to speed up drying.

 Flatten the prints in the dry mount press. PRINTS MUST BE DRY OR YOU WILL DESTROY THE MOUNT PRESS. The mount press is only for flattening the prints, NOT TO DRY THEM!


Contrast filters:
For less contrast [more grays, less stark blacks and whites] use #0 - #1.5 filters.
For more contrast [less grays, more black and more white] use # 3 - #5 filters.

Print Exposure with the contrast filters:
Filters # 0 - # 3.5 should be about the same print exposure.
Filters # 4 - # 5 require about twice the exposure.
Make a test strip when changing filters to obtain exact darkness desired.

Making prints Lighter or Darker:
To make a print lighter, use less enlarger exposure.
To make a print darker, use more enlarger exposure.

Adjusting the enlarging lens aperture:
If you change the enlarging lens from f/8 to f/11 you will expose to 1/2 the light [much lighter].
If you change the enlarging lens from f/8 to f/5.6 you will expose for twice the amount of light [much darker].

The Enlarging Timers:

Set the focus/time switch to focus to turn the enlarger on. Set it to time to expose prints for the amount set. It will reset back and shut off automatically.




link to print finishing and mounting