This is an overview of details for submission of ABSTRACTS for the technical session for the Mohawk Watershed Symposium. If you are submitting an abstract for consideration, please read this section carefully. If you are looking for the guidelines for preparing an Oral or a Poster presentation, go here.
For a volunteered Oral Presentation (Talk), or a volunteered Poster Presentation (Poster) please submit your abstract by the deadline and indicate preference (Oral or Poster). We will do our best to honor requests, but we may switch oral to poster if space is limited.
All TALKS (invited or volunteered) and all POSTERS must have a corresponding abstract submitted by the deadline (including invited). Please note that talks and poster spaces are ordered and arranged based exclusively on those abstracts we receive by the deadline. If you have not prepared an abstract before, please download and look at abstracts from previous years to get a feel for format, length, and content.
We consider these to be peer-reviewed extended abstracts.
1) Title, authors with affiliation and contact for each author;
2) Main text of abstract with or without figures (see note below about figures);
3) Reference list (at the end, if references are cited in abstract).
Please look at this TEMPLATE (PDF document) to help with formatting.
Authors should be listed in any order, but we will assume that the FIRST author is the lead author and that person will be responsible for paper/poster delivery and all contact regarding the submission. If this is not the case, please make this clear in the email with abstract submission.
We consider these to be "extended abstracts" and thus the abstracts read as short papers, but do NOT include a first section entitled "Abstract." If using subheadings, the first section should be an Introduction or Overview).
Authors must attend the meeting to present posters or talks: unrepresented abstracts will be rejected and/or otherwise withdrawn.

All extended abstracts must be submitted electronically (see last paragraph for that process). For abstract submission, we require the following formats:
Formatting: Microsoft Word format is preferred;
- Margins: Left and right 1 inch.
- Title: 14 pt bold Times new Roman, centered.
- Heading Text: Left justified 12 pt. bold Times New Roman with one empty line above.
- Subheading text: 11 pt. bold Times New Roman and all subheadings are part of the paragraph;
- Body Text: 11 pt. Times New Roman single-spaced.
- References (in list at end) - Times New Roman 10 pt.
Do not use bold or underline to try to emphasize important points. Do not use exclamation points more than once in your entire contribution.
Figures and Images: (and photos as figures): Please include figures within the text as high resolution JPG format (maximum size of each figure is ~1 Mb, and for most others they should be no less than 100 kb) - no other formats will be accepted (i.e. embedded Excel graphs, illustrator, or PDF). If you submit figures in TIFF format, we will convert to JPG.
Color in Figures: Please try to avoid the required use of colors, but feel free to submit figures in color, and we will convert to B&W/Grayscale for the print version. The online pdf version of the abstracts will be in color (see links below for previous abstract volumes) but the printed volume for the conference will only have limited color use (expect black and white). So it is helpful if figures are meaningful and understandable if in either black and white or color. When essential, we will use color for printed figures. Figures will be placed in the text as either one column or two column, so some thought should be given to length to width ratio of individual items. For graphs with multiple lines, ensure that you use different symbols so that the lines can be read in black and white.
Copyright: All figures from copyrighted material must have a copyright release and they will not be reproduced unless we have written permission for reuse.
Abstract Length: Extended abstracts can be between 1 and 6 pages given these formatting guidelines, including figures placed as a reasonable size in the text. Start the extended abstract with an subheading: Introduction or Overview - do not start with "abstract." Please ensure that your extended abstract is equal to or less than 10 Mb, including figures. Any single figure greater than 1 Mb will be returned or simplified.
Review of Abstracts occurs immediately after submission. Your abstract will be reviewed and edited for content and clarity: it may be returned for revisions, accepted without changes, or rejected. You will recieved notification as to its status within two weeks of submission.
Submitting your abstract. Submit your abstract as a Word file with figures as attachments (email address below). Please DO NOT ZIP or compress your electronic submission. Note that we prefer to insert figures into the final formatted text.
EXAMPLES FROM PAST CONFERENCES are at the main meeting Web Page
To submit your abstract, please email the text file and figures to:
Jacqueline Smith, smithj4 (AT) union.edu (remove spaces)