J. Douglass Klein
Director, Center for Converging Technologies (CT)
Union College, Schenectady, NY

CT References from the Center for CT

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Converging Technologies Implementation Council
Converging Technologies at Union.  White paper, January 25, 2005 (Word document)
Science/Engineering/CT Facilities Feasibility Study; preliminary presentation from EYP to Environment and Facilities Committee of Union Board, May 20, 2005 (pdf file; Union access only)
Key findings from the CT Best Practices Study (Word Document)
Best Practices presentation to Union Board, Feb. 5, 2005 (pdf file; Union access only)
CT update to the Union faculty, January 2005 (pdf file with text)
"What Does the Creative Class Mean for the Captial Region?" presented at the High Voltage Fields symposium, Schenectady Museum, March 5, 2005
2005 Feigenbaum Forum: International Programs at Union College, October 27, 2005
2004 Feigenbaum Forum: Implementing Converging Technologies at Union College, October 21, 2004

CT Board powerpoint presentation, Oct. 11, 2002

College Relations presentations: November 5, 2002 
        Background of CT at Union
        CT Stories

Educating for Tech Valley, March 22, 2003 (pdf file)

Nanotechnology and Society, April 22, 2003, revised Jan. 2005

Aerogel Images,  September 29, 2003
2001 visit by the Tibetan Monks; see also the 2005 visit, including Nano Mandalla by Victoria Vesna.


Bibliography of Nanotechnology schools and programs.

Resources on Pervasive Computing

Support for CT at Union College


"The Technology Mosaic," http://insidehighered.com, May 25, 2006.  "The report forecasts a 2020 where engineers are leaders in everything from government to medicine. Rutter said Harvard, along with other institutions that have seen 2020 in their minds’s eyes, seek 'to alter the way engineering is taught and the way engineering is perceived, and to connect it to real world applications.' "
Lee C. Bollinger, President of Columbia University, "2006 Commencement Address", May 17, 2006.   "Expertise gives us a sense of self-importance. Familiar areas become comfortable. And we can lock ourselves into intellectual cages of our own making that inhibit us from exploring fields outside our own."

"A New Trivium and Quadrivium," by George Bugliarello, Polytechnic University, 2003

Mihail C. Roco, and William Simms Bainbridge, National Science Foundation (2002). Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance. (Arlington, VA)

Mihail C. Roco, Possibilities for global governance of converging technologies, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2007.  Click here to view slides to accompany this presentation.
Mihail C. Roco and Carlo D. Montemagno (eds.) 2004. The Coevolution of Human Potential and Converging Technologies. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. 1013).
William Sims Bainbridge and Mihail C. Roco, 2006. Reality of Rapid Convergence  (New York Academy of Sciences, v. 1093).

Alfred Nordmann, rapporteur (2004). Converging Technologies – Shaping the Future of European Societies. (European Commission Research)

Committee on Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine (2004). Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research (Washington, DC: National Academy of Engineering)

Denise Caruso and Diana Rhoten (2001) Lead, Follow, Get Out of the Way: Sidestepping the Barriers to Effective Practice of Interdisciplinarity. (San Francisco: The Hybrid Vigor Institute)

Bethany Halford (2004). “Engineering for Everyone,” PRISM, v. 14, no. 4, (December)

Frans Johansson (2004). The Medici Effect: Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Ideas, Concepts & Cultures. (Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press).

Dalai Lama (2005). The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality. (New York: Morgan Road Books). Click for review at RandomHouse.com.
Edward O. Wilson (1998).  Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf).   Click for review in the American Scientist.
Daniel H. Pink (2005). A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age. (New York: Riverhead Books).

© 2002 - 2006 Center for Converging Technologies, Union College
posted October 16, 2002 by J D Klein   Last modified 03/26/08 .