**** This meeting was cancelled: Absract volume was released ******
We regret to announce that the 2020 Mohawk Watershed symposium has been postponed and will not occur on 20 March 2020.
With the spread of COVID-19 and recommendations against large gatherings and interpersonal contact. We hope to hold the Symposium after the COVID-19 risk has passed.
The 2020 MWS abstract volume, which is now completed, is a document that captures important research.
This LINK will take to you to the 2022 meeting in March 2022.
• The ABSTRACT VOLUME from 2020 is here (although this meeting did not occur).
• Detailed INSTRUCTIONS for PRESENTERS (Talks and Posters)
• DIRECTIONS and a MAP of the venue location. The venue is College Park Hall, 450 Nott St, Schenectady NY.
• The meeting SCHEDULE (now cancelled) is here (as a PDF).
**** This meeting was cancelled but the Absract volume was released ******

Joe Martens - Keynote Speaker (Director of the NY Offshore Wind Alliance, former NYS DEC Commissioner, and co-chair of the Reimagine the Canal effort)- “Reimagining the Canal in the Mohawk Watershed"
Stuart Gruskin (The Nature Conservancy) - “Navigating the Naturalization of the Mohawk River: Science, Policy, and Politics”
Fengbin Huang and Hung Tao Shen (Clarkson University) “Numerical Modeling of Breakup Ice Dynamics in the Lower Mohawk River”
Kristin Diotte (City of Schenectady) - “Stockade Resilience: Adaptive Preservation”Jennifer Epstein (Riverkeeper) – “Mohawk River Water Quality: Dams, drinking water and water quality"
Ken Avery (Bergmann Associates) - “Reimagining the Erie Canal / Mohawk River as Flood Risk Mitigation Resource”
Marianne Buttenschon (NY Assembly, 119th District) – “The newly introduced Flood buyout bill”
Andrew Peck (The Nature Conservancy) - “”Developing a course for Tributary Restoration along the Mohawk River: Preliminary Needs and Opportunities.”
James Woidt (Streamworks PLLC) – “Incorporating Ice Jam Flooding into Regulatory Base Flood Elevations at the Historic Schenectady Stockade”
Jennifer Epstein, (Riverkeeper) - "Increasing fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) counts in the Mohawk River and elsewhere in the Hudson watershed since 2015"
See the entire list of oral and poster presentations HERE.
Here are the POSTER and TALK requirements and
Here are the ABSTRACT requirements (formatting for submission).
Submitted contributions in the form of extended abstracts are required for either oral or poster presentations. The abstract volume will be available to registered participants at the meeting and wiil then be available here as a free downloadable PDF. All presentations, whether oral or poster are required to have an accompanying abstract that must pass review. Please see abstracts from previous years if submitting for the first time.
The abstract deadline was 21 Feb 2020. Submit abstract to J.Smith at Union College (see email address below).
REGISTRATION HERE - Registration is CLOSED - the meeting has been cancelled..
Professional Registration $20.00
Student Registration $10.00
after 08 March 2020: $40 (for all - professionals and students).
after 18 March 2020: $50 (for all - professionals and students).
Register early for this meeting, late registration causes problems with catering and makes our job more complicated. Your registration fees only cover part of the full meeting cost.
Pre-registration and prepayment for this meeting is required.
Registration fees cover coffee/tea breaks, lunch, and abstract volume.
Please register early for this meeting, it helps us plan catering orders.
The meeting is at College Park Hall, 450 Nott St, Schenectady NY. Plenty of free on-campus parking is available next to College Park Hall. Download this map for parking areas that will be open and available ("P"), but there is a large parking lot at College Park. Detailed directions to the Campus are here.
There is no designated hotel for this conference.
Program Chairs and coordination:
Jacqueline Smith, Department of Geology, Olin Building, Union College, 807 Union ST, Schenectady NY smithj4 @union.edu (remove spaces)
Carolyn Rodak, Civil Engineering Department, Donovan Hall 1223, SUNY Polytechnic, Utica NY rodakc @sunypoly.edu (remove spaces)
John Garver, Department of Geology, Olin Building, Union College, 807 Union ST, Schenectady, NY 12308-2311, USA, Phone: 518-388-6770 (main office) Email: garverj @ union.edu (remove spaces in email address).
Christine Angley, Technical Assistance and Registration, 310 Olin Bldg, Union College. 518-388-6770: Email: angleyc @ union.edu (remove spaces in email address).
Katherine Czajkowski, Mohawk Watershed Coordinator Mohawk River Basin Program NYS Water Resources Institute at Cornell University 1130 N. Westcott Road Rotterdam, New York 12306 518-357-2383 518-357-2398 (fax) Email: Katherine Czajkowski <katherine.czajkowski @dec.ny.gov > (remove spaces in email address).
Mailing address:
Geology Department,
Union College,
807 Union ST,
Schenectady NY, 12308-2311
Join the Discussion and keep up with news all year long
Mohawk Watershed Alliance
Abstracts and web pages from previous conferences are here
Photographs on this page are copyright protected.