Quantum Measurement

Wednesday, September 23 Measurement
Friday, September 25 Statistics & Uncertainty Estimations
Monday, September 28 Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
Wednesday, September 30 Relativity Theory & Causality
Friday, October 2 Spin, Polarization, and Mixed States
Monday, October 5 Bell's Inequality


In this module we will spend two-weeks to study some implications of microscopic physics on the question of measurement. Since today's understanding of microscopic physics is best modeled by quantum theory, people often refer to this as quantum (description of) measurement (theory).

Most of our study will be based on the above links to our web-book. But we will also use other readings and web-based materials. These include:

  • Supplementary Text:  Where Does the Weirdness Go? by David Linley, Basic Books, NY, 1996

  • Computer-Based Material:  Visual Quantum Mechanics, an interactive software developed by Dean Zollman and his educational research team at Kansas State University. To get direct access to this site click on: VQM.

Please read the page on How Do I Use a Web-Book? before starting to examine these pages.