Union College at Nanjing Normal University 2000

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The trips planned for this term are the following:

Three Gorges: 5 days, with visits to the cities of Chongqing and Wuhan, and a 3-day boat ride down the Yangtze River. We will be passing through the heart of Chinese civilization, which is over 5,000 years old. This will soon be flooded with the new Three Gorges Dam.

Suzhou and Tongli: 3 days, with tours through Suzhou's famous literati gardens, silk factories, and strolls along the many canals. Suzhou is considered to be the "Venice of the East." Student comments about the trip will attest to this. Tongli is a small town that has not been touched by modernization. Much of the town's architecture and structural infrastructure are serveral hundred years old.

Huangshan: 3 days, not too far from Nanjing lies the famous Huangshan mountain. This mountain has breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape and has been a favorite subject for many painters and poets throughout Chinese history.

Beijing: 7 days, a trip to China would not be complete without a visit to the Forbidden Palace and the Great Wall. This was once an imperial city and still houses the Chinese central government today.



Union College

Modern Languages | East Asian Studies | Terms Abroad

Term Abroad in Nanjing, China

For questions about the current program contact Megan Ferry

Last updated October 28, 2000