Physics 220 Spring 2017 Notes
Week #1
Here's a Mathematica Notebook that you can download and practice some basic functions and commands. Feel free to copy them as needed and note they are certainly not all exhaustive. I'll be adding more to this notebook as the term goes on.
Here's another Mathematica Primer that you can read.
Homework #1 posted and is due on Wednesday, 4/5/17.
SPS Mathematica Seminar, Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 6:30pm in S&E N304. Learn how to code and write in Mathematica. Chinese will be served for dinner and if you attend, some form of extra credit will be incorporated into your final grade.
For homework #1, there are only 9 actual questions. I numbered the problems incorrectly.
For homework #1, Griffith's problem 1.5, there are parts a, b, & c. Only do parts a and b.
Week #2
Here's the power point for the Finite Square Well
Week #3
Here's the power point for the Finite Potential Barrier.
Note for all homework from #2 forward in regards to the use of Mathematica:
1. If you are handwriting your soultions please print out the Mathematica code and output and attach it to your solutions.
2. If you are typing your solutions, please take a screenshot and insert it in your soultions or print out the Mathematica code and output and attach it to your solutions.
3. If, instead, you are doing the homework in Mathematica, please comment what you are doing, not just providing the code with no explanations. The explanations don't have to be long, but should give an idea of what the calculation should entail. To comment, use (* comments *) anywhere in the mathematica problem, where "comments" are your comments in the problem.Week #4
For homework #3, Problem 2.52 do only part b and for problem 2.53, do parts a and b only.
Exam #1 is on Friday 4/21/17. You may start the exam at 7:45am if you'd like. This time is optional. The exam will consist of two, forty point questions. The two questions will have four subparts each and each subpart will be worth 10 points.
The problems will consist of solving the time-independent SWE for wells and/or barriers, normalization of the wave equation, calculation of expectation values and calculating probabilities.
The exam does not depend on your use of Mathematica, but you are welcome to use the computers in N300 to solve the problems using Mathematica. If you use Mathematica, be sure to comment and print the solutions. On the exam, write the soultion that Mathematica generates. If you choose not to use Mathematica, there are a table of integrals and formulae on the exam.
There are no makeup exams given for any reason. Please make sure you don't miss the exam.
Here's the formula sheet for exam #1.
Week #5
Week #6
Week #7
Here is the Hydrogen atom presentation from class.
** Note: For Homework #5 that is due on Wednesday, 5/10/17 in class, the following changes were made. In Griffith's 4.44, do parts a and b only and there are only 6 problems now on this assignment. Problem #7 will be moved to Homework #6.
** Note: Homework #5 will be due on Thursday, 5/11/17 at noon, rather than on Wednesday. Since we don't have class, hand me your solutions, email me your solutions, put your solutions under my office door, or give them to Lynnette in the department office by Thursday at noon.
I fixed my error from class today. The corrections are here. In addition, there are more explanations and drawings for the allowed states of angular momentum.
Week #8
Exam #2 is on Friday 5/19/17. You may start the exam at 7:45am if you'd like. This time is optional. The exam will consist of two, forty point questions. The two questions will have four subparts each and each subpart will be worth 10 points.
The problems will consist of applications involving the harmonic oscillator potentials as well as the Coulomb potential. The problems invlove determining wave functions for particles under these potentials, normalization of the wave functions, probability density functions, calculation of expectation values and calculating probabilities, calculating energies of states.
The exam does not depend on your use of Mathematica, but you are welcome to use the computers in N300 to solve the problems using Mathematica. If you use Mathematica, be sure to comment and print the solutions. On the exam, write the soultion that Mathematica generates. If you choose not to use Mathematica, there are a table of integrals and formulae on the exam.
There are no makeup exams given for any reason. Please make sure you don't miss the exam.
Week #9
Here's the powerpoint on MRI from class.
Week #10
** Note: For Homework #8 that is due on Wednesday, 5/31/17 in class, the following changes were made. In Griffith's 6.5 was removed from the original assignment.
Final Exam Information:
Final Exam Information
Final Exam Information
Wednesday, June 7, 2017 11:30am - 1:30pm. You may start the exam at 11:00am if you'd like some extra time. The 11:00am start time is completely optional.
The exam will be held in S&E N300
Equation sheet for the final.
There exam will be 3 problems (4 parts each) . Each part is worth 20 points and the final exa is worth 240 points.
Topics may include
Probability and Probability density
Calculating expectation values
Solving the time independant and time dependant Schordinger wave equation in 1D
Potential wells and barriers, including finite and infinite square wells and barriers, the finite and infinte step, the haromonic osciallator potential and the Couluomb potential.
Normalization of wavefunctions
Eigenvalue equations and energies of states.
Angular momentum and Spin angular momentum,
1st order time independant perturbation theory, including spin-orbit coupling and the relativistic corrections to the energies of the particle.
You'll have access to Mathematica if you need or want to use it for the exam. All integrals and derivatives will be given on the exam should you choose not to use Mathematica.