Economics 224
Reading List

(For complete citations, see Selected Bibliography.)
Paper Writing Guidelines
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I. Mercantilism vs. Markets
Study Guide
Powerpoint -01 -02 |
1 |
of British colonial laws.
Timeline of US History
(including Colonial)
of Revolutionary War (some links broken) |
2 |
The Molasses Act,
1733, from
MacDonald, pp. 103-105. |
3 |
Readings on
Mercantilism, from
Callender (authors' names in footnotes), pp. 95-112. Refer to maps
of colonial trade. |
a. The
Mercantile View, from Animal
Husbandry, 1775. |
b. Postlethwayt, Britain's
Commercial Interest, 1757. |
c. Bernard, Select Letters on
the Trade and Government of America, 1764. |
d. Pownall, The
Administration of the Colonies, 1764. Page
images Text |
e. Smith, The Wealth of Nations, Bk. IV, ch. vii,
Gains from Trade worksheet |
4 |
The Wealth of Nations, Bk, IV, ch. ii, 1776 (1909 ed.), pp. 348-369. |
of Protection worksheet
Solutions (powerpoint-04) |
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Economic Policy and the New Nation
Study Guide - Constitution
Federalist Policies
Powerpoint - 03 (Powerpoint
Powerpoint - 05 (Manufactures)
Summary of Class
Discussion on Manufactures |
1 |
The Declaration of Independence,
1776. Local
source (pdf)  |
2 |
Constitution of the United States, 1789. Local
source (pdf) |
3 |
Hamilton, Report on Public
Credit; First Congress, Second Session, submitted
January 14, 1790, Annals
of Congress, Appendix, pages 2041-2074. (Pages pp. 1-7,
32-35 in Works of Hamilton.) Click here for help using the Century of
Lawmaking site.
Click here to download the entire set
of page images as a Word document (large file).
Click here for a Summary of
the Report.
Speech by Alan
Greenspan on Hamilton and the debt. |
4 |
Report on Manufactures Second Congress, First Session, submitted December 5, 1791. Annals of Congress, Pages 971-1034.
192-195, 204-219, 234-263, 280-284 in Works of Hamilton.)
Download page images as
Word document (large file).
Download text file (in
Summary of
the Report.
(See also V.1 below, Hamilton's report on a National
Bank.) |
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III. Internal
Study Guide
Powerpoint - 06
Paper #1 Assignment |
1 |
Selections from Callender on Internal
Improvements, pp. 387-393. |
a. Gallatin's Report on Canals and Roads,
1808. |
b. Madison's veto message, 1817. |
2 |
7th annual message to Congress,
1815. |
3 |
John C. Calhoun's argument for
internal improvements, 1817, from Hart, v. III, pp. 436-440. (Original
pages from Annals of Congress.) |
4 |
Henry Clay, 1818, excerpts from Works
of Clay, pp. 115-117, 127-135.
of Congress, 15th Cong., 1st. Session, pp. 1359ff.
Text file. |
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IV. Tariff Policy
See study questions in Discussion Forum
Powerpoint - 08 - 09
Worksheets on Visualizing Data
-- Graphs from Class
Paper Topics
Study Guide - House Debate
Powerpoint - 10 (1/29)
Study Guide - Other Tariff
Powerpoint - 11 (1/31) |
1 |
Tables showing sources of U.S. Government
revenue, tariff rates, 1789-1987. |
2 |
Selections from Callender
on the tariff debate, pp. 487-522, 533-536.
(Word document containing a-i below) |
a. Introduction by
Callender. |
b. Letter from Jefferson to
Austin, 1816. |
c. Madison's message to Congress, Feb. 1815. |
d. Madison's message to
Congress, Dec. 1815 (see III.2 above). |
e. Madison letter to Lynch,
1817. |
f. Calhoun speech, 1816. |
g. Clay speech on the
American System, 1824. |
h. Webster speeches, 1824,
1828, 1846. |
i. McDuffie speech, 1830
(read 514-522 and 533-536). |
3 |
House debate, 1824, from Abridgement of
the Debates of Congress, pp. 724-729. (as
a Word document; or Full
House debate, from Annals of Congress, began Feb. 1824, 18th Congress, 1st Session,
begin page 1469.) |
4 |
Excerpts from Documents Relative to the
Manufactures of the United States, 1833, v. 1. |
a. Report of Henry Stark on Manufactures of
New Hampshire. |
b. Letter from John
Springfield, MA, dated March 23, 1832. |
c. Responses by Roland
Curtin, Ealge Iron Works, to questions. |
5 |
South Carolina Ordinance of
Nullification, 1832, from MacDonald, pp. 329-333. |
6 |
Selection from Harriet
Martineau, Society
in America (New York: Saunders & Otley, 1837). |
7 |
Excerpts from The Elements of Political
Economy, by Francis Wayland (Union College Class of 1813) (New York: Leavitt, Lord
& Co., 1837), pp. 449-451. |
8 |
Protection or Free Trade for the United
States of America? 1880 |
a. Letter from Thomas H.
Dudley (in favor). |
b. Letter from Charles E.
Rawlins (opposed). |
9 |
Excerpts from Wayland and Chapin, 1886
edition, pp. 376-385. |
10 |
Grover Cleveland's annual message to
Congress, 1887, from Hart, v. IV, pp. 518-520. |
11 |
R.E. Thompson defending the
tariff, 1888,
from Shaw, ed., The National Revenues, pp. 78-85. |
12 |
Benjamin Harrison, annual message to
Congress, 1890, from Hart, v. IV, pp. 523-525. |
13 |
Secondary sources offering background and
context for the debate:
Douglas A. Irwin, Historical Perspectives on U.S. Trade Policy,
NBER Reporter, Winter, 1999.
Funk and Wagnall's Encyclopedia, "Tariffs,
United States".
Steve Suranovic, The
International Economics Study Center, see section on "US Tariff Policy: Historical Notes". |
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V. Suffrage
Powerpoint - 12
course on History
of Woman Suffrage |
1 |
Harriet Martineau,
"Woman", "The Political Non-Existence of Women",
from Society in America (New York: Saunders & Otley, 1837).
text from Xroads project. |
2 |
Helen L. Sumner, excerpt from History of
Women in Industry in the United States, pp. 50-58. |
3 |
Account by Lucy Larcom of working in textile
mills, c. 1840. (E-text) |
4 |
"How the Americans Understand the
Equality of the Sexes," from A. de Toqueville, Democracy in America, v. 2,
1840. (E-text) |
5 |
Account by Francis Gage of 1851 address by
Sojourner Truth. |
6 |
Elizabeth Cady Stanton address to National
Woman Suffrage Convention, January 19, 1869, from Buhle & Bulhe, pp. 249-256. |
7 |
Booker T. Washington, "Atlanta
Address", 1895. (E-text;
UpFrom Slavery) |
8 |
Excerpts from Why Women Do Not Want the
Ballot, 1897. |
a. "Woman Suffrage and Wages". |
b. Francis Parkman, "Some of the Reasons
Against Woman Suffrage". |
9 |
Mrs. Gilbert E. Jones, "Some Impediments
to Woman Suffrage," from The North American Review, 1909. |
10 |
Current Events:
a.The economics of
discrimination from A
Pedestrian's Guide to Discrimination.
b. Case
Study in gender discrimination, from Prentice Hall. |
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VI. Banking and Currency
A. Debate Over A National Bank.
Study Guide - Money
& Banking
History of
Banking -- Central
Banking -- Banking
in New York
Links to Panics; Currency; Gold;
Other money issues
- 14 (2/9) - 15
(2/12, 2/14, 2/16) - 15a
Wizard of Oz as Monetary
Allegory |
1 |
Hamilton's report on a National Bank
report (page images). Excerpts
from Hart, v. III, pp. 276-281. |
2 |
New York state report on state
banking, 1818,
from Hart, v. III, pp. 441-445. |
3 |
Selections from MacDonald (a-c) and Taylor
(d) on Jackson and the Bank. |
a. Jackson's first annual message, 1829. |
b. Jackson's second annual
message, 1830. |
c. Jackson's third annual
message, 1831. |
d. Jackson's veto of the Bank
bill, 1832. Also at Avalon
A Timeline of the National Bank
- [Note: highly political site ! -JDK] |
4 |
Webster's reply to Jackson's
veto, Register of Debates
in Congress, 1832, pp. 1221-1230. |
5 |
Discussion of Banks and the Currency from The
Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, September, 1839. |
Banking and Currency B. Debate over
the Currency
Wizard of Oz as Monetary
Events in Money and Banking |
6 |
and charts showing effects of different money policies. |
7 |
on currency from Hart, v. IV, pp. 529-541. |
a. House debate on demonetization of silver,
1872. |
b. Sherman on resumption of specie payment in
1879. |
c. Taussig on the Sherman Silver Act of 1890. |
d. Gage on the
Gold Standard Act of 1900. |
8 |
William Jennings Bryan speech before the
Democratic convention (the "Cross of Gold"
speech), 1896, from The World's
Best Orations, pp. 693-701. |
9 |
website from Vassar College. |
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VII. Regulation of Interstate Commerce
Study Guide on Railroads
Powerpoint, 16
(2/21 and 2/23) 17
(2/26, 2/28)
Discontent data (Excel format)
Worksheet on rate-of-return
regulation |
1 |
Selections from Hart, v. IV, on American
railroads, v. IV, pp. 513-517. |
a. Peto on American railroads, 1865. |
b. Poor on American railroads, 1869. |
2 |
C. F. Adams, "The Government and the
Railroad Corporations," North American Review, 1871, pp. 31-61. |
3 |
Comments in The Nation on railroads,
1873, pp. 381-384. |
a. "The Causes of the Farmers'
Discontent". |
b. "The Specific Demand of
Transportation Reformers". |
4 |
Wayland & Chapin, Elements of
Political Economy, 1886, Ch. XXIV, "Railway Corporations", pp. 386-395. |
5 |
Riddle of the Sphinx, Chapter 3 |
6 |
The Interstate Commerce Act, 1887, from
MacDonald, pp. 581-590. |
7 |
A Historical Perspective, from the Association of American Railroads
(industry trade association). |
Grace Shim, Another Railroad Merger May Be Around the Bend,"
Omaha World - Herald
December 1, 2000. [available on campus only] |
8 |
The Family Tree of North American Railroads,
by Christopher Coleman, Jan 4, 1997. |
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VIII. The Trusts and Antitrust Policy
Powerpoint - 18 (3/5, 3/7)
19 (3/9, 3/12) |
1 |
R. T. Ely, "The Tariff and
Trusts--Expenditures for Internal Improvements," from Shaw, ed., The National
Revenues, 1888, pp. 56-67. |
2 |
Selections from The
New York Times, 1887 and 1888. |
3 |
Andrew Carnegie, "The Bugaboo
of Trusts," North American Review, v. 148, no. 387 (Feb. 1889), pp. 141-150.
Click here for instructions on
accessing the North American Review online. |
4 |
Andrew Carnegie,
"Wealth," North American Review, v. 148, no. 391 (June 1889), pp.
653-664 (hyper-annotated). Click here for
instructions on accessing the North American Review online for the
original article.
The Economist special section on "The Rich in America,"
May 30,
1998: (You may find these by going to the Proquest link at Schaffer
Library. Click here for instructions.)
Challenge for America's Rich
in America: The Gospel of Wealth
The View
from Main Street |
5 |
Gustavus Myers, History of the
Great American Fortunes, pp. 696-705. |
6 |
George F. Edmunds, "The
Interstate Trust and Commerce Act of 1890," North American Review, v. 194, no.
673 (Dec. 1911), pp. 801-817 (selection).
Click here for instructions on
accessing the North American Review online. |
7 |
Selection from the Congressional
Record, May 1, 1890. Debate on the Sherman Antitrust Act. |
8 |
J. B. Clark, "How to Regulate
the Trusts," from Hart, v. IV, pp. 641-644. |