Physics 111 Exams


Winter 2025 Exams

Exam #1 posted (Average = %). Blank Version of Exam #1

Exam #2 posted (Average = %). Blank Version of Exam #2

Formula Sheet for Exams - updated 1/1/25

Winter 2025 Final Exam Information:

Date and time: TBA in Wold 128.

There will be 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of three worked parts.

Each worked part is worth 8 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magnetic fields, magnetic forces and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens.


Fall 2024 Exams

Exam #1 posted Monday, September 23 @ 2:30pm @ (Average = 71%). Blank Version of Exam #1

Exam #2 posted Monday, October 14, 2024 @ 11:00am (Average = 61%). Blank Version of Exam #2

Exam #3 posted Tuesday, November 5, 2024 @ 11:00am (Average = 70%). Blank Version of Exam #3

Formula Sheet for Exams - updated 10/01/24

Fall 2024 Final Exam Information:

Date and time: Thursday, November 14, 2024 from 8:30am - 10:30am in Wold 128.

There will be 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of three worked parts.

Each worked part is worth 8 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magnetic fields, magnetic forces and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens.




Winter 2024 Exams

Exam #1 posted Friday, January 19, 2024 @ 3:00pm (Average = 65%). Blank Version of Exam #1

Exam #2 posted Saturday, February 10, 2024 @ 3:00pm (Average = 56%). Blank Version of Exam #2

Exam #3 posted Friday, March 1, 2024 @ 5:00pm @ (Average = 53%). Blank Version of Exam #3

Formula Sheet for Exams

Winter 2024 Final Exam Information:

Date and time: Monday, March 18 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm in Wold 128

There will be 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of three worked parts.

Each worked part is worth 8 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magnetic fields, magnetic forces and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens.


Fall 2023 Exams

Exam #1 posted Monday, September 25, 2023 @11:30am (Average = 72.5%).  Blank Version of Exam #1

Exam #2 posted Sunday, October 15, 2023 @ 5:00pm (Average = 71%).  Blank Version of Exam #2

Exam #3 posted Tuesday, November 7, 2023 @ 5:30pm (Average = 63%).  Blank Version of Exam #3

Formula Sheet for Exams

Fall 2023 Final Exam Information:

Date and time: Thursday, November 16, 2023 from 8:30am - 10:30am

There will be 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of three worked parts.

Each worked part is worth 8 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magnetic fields, magnetic forces and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens.


Winter 2023 Exams

Exam #1 posted 1/23/23 @ 2:00pm (Average = 65%).  Blank Version of Exam #1

Exam #2 posted 2/10/23 @ 10:30am (Average = 65%).  Blank Version of Exam #2

Exam #3 posted 3/3/23 @ 9:30am (Average = %).  Blank Version of Exam #3

Formula Sheet for Exams

Winter 2023 Final Exam Information:

Date and time: Wednesday, March, 15, 2023 from 8:30am - 10:30am ISEC 118

There will be 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of three worked parts.

Each worked part is worth 8 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magneticfields, magnetic forces and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens.


Fall 2022 Exams

Exam #1 posted Friday, September 30, 2022 @ 12:00pm   (Average = 80%).  Blank Version of Exam #1

Exam #2 posted Friday, October 31, 2022 @ 3:30pm  (Average = 67%).  Blank Version of Exam #2

Formula Sheet for Exams

Fall 2022 Final Exam Information:

Date and time: Monday, November 21, 2022 from 8:30am - 10:30am in Karp 001

There will be 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of three worked parts.

Each worked part is worth 8 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magneticfields, magnetic forces and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens.


Winter 2022 Exams

Exam #1 posted @ (Average = 65%).  Blank Version of Exam #1

Exam #2 posted 2/25/22 @ 9:45am (Average = 70%).  Blank Version of Exam #2

Formula Sheet for Exams

Winter 2022 Final Exam Information:

Date and time: Monday, March 14, 2022 from 8:30am - 10:30am 

There will be 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of two worked parts and one multiple-choice question.

Each worked part is worth 10 points (20 points total) and each multiple-choice question is worth 4 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magneticfields, magnetic forces and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens.


Fall 2021 Exams

Exam #1 posted 10/08/21 @ 10:30am (Average = 75%)

Exam #2 posted 11/08/21 @ 3:30pm (Average = 73%)

Formula Sheet for Exams Updated 10/01/2021

Fall 2021 Final Exam Information:

Date and time: Friday, November 19, 2021 from 8:30am - 10:30am.

There will be 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of two worked parts and one multiple-choice question.

Each worked part is worth 10 points (20 points total) and each multiple-choice question is worth 4 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magneticfields, magnetic forces and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens.



Winter 2021 Exams

Exam #1 posted 2/5/21 @ 11:00am (Average = 72%)

Exam #2 posted 3/5/21 @ 10:00am (Average = 66%)

Formula Sheet for Exams

Winter 2021 Final Exam Information:

Date and time: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 from 2:30pm - 4:30pm.

There will be 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of two worked parts and one multiple-choice question.

Each worked part is worth 10 points (20 points total) and each multiple-choice question is worth 4 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magneticfields, magnetic forces and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens.



Fall 2020 Exams

Exam #1 posted 10/05/20 @ 8:00am (Average = 83%)

Exam #2 posted 11/06/20 @ 12:30pm (Average = 71%)

Formula Sheet for Exams

Fall 2020 Final Exam Information:

Date and time:  Friday, November 20, 8:30am - 10:30am.  If you want some extra time on the exam, you may start it at 8:00am.  This start time is completely optional.

There are 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of two worked parts and one multiple-choice question.

Each worked part is worth 10 points (20 points total) and each multiple-choice question is worth 4 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magneticfields, magnetic forces and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens.


Winter 2019 Exams

Exam #1 ( Average = 57% ) posted 2/8/19 @ 11am

Exam #2 posted ( Average = 62%) posted 3/13/19 @ 4pm

Formula Sheet for Exams

Winter 2019 Final Exam Information:

Thursday, March 21, 2019 in S&E N114 from 8:30am - 10:30am. You may start the exam at 8:00am if you'd like.

There are 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of two worked parts and one multiple-choice question.

Each worked part is worth 10 points (20 points total) and each multiple-choice question is worth 4 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magneticfields, magnetic forces and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens.


Fall 2018 Exams

Exam #1 ( Average = 70.1% ) posted 10/1/18 @ 2:00pm

Exam #2 posted ( Average = 68.8%) posted 11/5/18 @ 3:00pm

Formula Sheet for Exams

Fall 2018 Final Exam Information:

Tuesday, November 20, 2018 in S&E N114 from 8:30am - 10:30am. You may start the exam at 8:00am if you'd like.

There are 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of two worked parts and one multiple-choice question.

Each worked part is worth 10 points (20 points total) and each multiple-choice question is worth 4 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magneticfields, magnetic forces and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens.


Winter 2018 Exams

Exam #1 ( Average = 65.2%) posted 1/26/18 @ 9:20am

Exam #2 posted ( Average = 66.4%) posted 2/23/18 @ 9:20am

Formula Sheet for Exams

Winter 2018 Final Exam Information:

Tuesday, March 20, 2018 in S&E N114 from 8:30am - 10:30am. You may start the exam at 8:00am if you'd like.

There are 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of two worked parts and one multiple-choice question.

Each worked part is worth 10 points (20 points total) and each multiple-choice question is worth 4 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magneticfields, magnetic forces and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens.


Fall 2017 Exams

Exam #1 ( Average = 70.2%) posted 9/29/17 @ 9:30am

Exam #2 posted ( Average = 69.3%) posted 10/25/17 @ 9:30am

Formula Sheet for Exams

Fall 2017 Final Exam Information:

Tuesday, November 21, 2017 in S&E N114 from 2:30pm - 4:30pm. You may start the exam at 2:00pm if you'd like. The 2:00pm start time is completely optional.

There are 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of two worked parts and one multiple-choice question.

Each worked part is worth 10 points (20 points total) and each multiple-choice question is worth 4 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magnetic fields, magnetic forces and the motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens.


Winter 2017 Exams

Exam #1 posted 1/30/17 @ 12pm

Exam #2 posted 2/27/17 @ 3pm

Formula Sheet for Exams

Winter 2017 Final Exam Information:

Thursday, March 16, 2017 in S&E N114 from 11:30am - 1:30pm. You may start the exam at 11:00am if you'd like.

There are 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of two worked parts and one multiple-choice question.

Each worked part is worth 10 points (20 points total) and each multiple-choice question is worth 4 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magneticfields, magnetic forces and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens


Fall 2015 Exams

Exam #1 posted 9/28/15 @ 11:30am

Exam #2 posted 10/16/15 @ 10:30am

Exam #3 posted 11/06/15 @ 9:45am

Formula Sheet for Exams

Fall 2015 Final Exam Information:

Physics 111 Final Exam: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 from 8:30am - 10:30am in KARP 001. You may start the exam at 8:00am if you'd like.

There are 5 problems on the exam each worth 30 points. Each problem consists of three worked parts and one multiple choice question.

Each worked part is worth 9 points (27 points total) and each multiple choice question is worth 3 points yielding 30 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 150 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magneticfields, magnetic forces and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors, magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, thin lens equation, magnification, power of a lens


Winter 2015 Exams

Exam #1 - posted 2/3/15 @ 8:00pm

Exam #2 - posted 2/27/15 @ 10:00am

Formula Sheet for Exams

Winter 2015 Final Exam Information:

Physics 111 Final Exam: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 from 2:30pm - 4:30pm in NWSE N114. You may start the exam at 2:00pm if you'd like.

There are 5 problems on the exam each worth 24 points. Each problem consists of two worked parts and one multiple choice question.

Each worked part is worth 10 points (20 points total) and each multiple choice question is worth 4 points yielding 24 points for each problem.

The final exam is worth 120 points total.

Topics on the final:

1. Relativity, electric work, work-kinetic energy theorem, magneitc fields and motion of charged particles in magnetic fields.

2. Light as a particle. Energy, momentum, frequency and wavelength of a photon. Nuclear decay and the radioactive decay law. Photoelectric and Compton effects.

3. Ohm's law and circuits. Resistors in series and parallel, resistor-capacitor circuits, discharging capacitors. Magnetic fields from currents, electric current, electricfields, and electric potential.

4. Radioactive decay. Energy associated with decay particles, radioactive decay laws and radioactive dating.

5. Light as a wave. Reflection, refraction, critical angles in materials, lenses, magnification, power of a lens



Fall 2014 Exams

Exam #1 - posted 10/3/14 @ 4:00pm

Exam #2 - posted 10/31/14 at 12:00pm

Formula Sheet for Exams

Fall 2014 Final Exam Information:

Physics 111 Final Exam: Thursday, November 20, 2014 from 8:30am - 10:30am in NWSE N114. You may start the exam at 8:00am if you'd like.


Older Exams

Winter 2014 Exams

Exam #1 - posted 1/30/14

Exam #2 - posted 2/14/14

Exam #3 - posted 3/7/14

Winter 2013 Exams

Exam #1 - posted 1/28/13

Exam #2 - posted 2/13/13

Exam #3 - posted 3/11/13


Exam #1 - January 24, 2011

Practice Exam #1        (The numerical answers are given in the exam, but not the actual solutions.)

Practice Exam #2        Practice Exam #2 Solutions


Exam #2 - February 8, 2011

Practice Exam #3 for 2nd Hour Exam    Solutions to Practice Exam #3


Exam #3 - March 4, 2011

Practice 3rd Hour Exam

Solution for Exam #1 - posted 1/26/11

Solution for Exam #2 - posted 2/11/11

Solution for Exam #3 - posted 3/4/11


Blank Exams from the Winter-2011 term

Exam #1

Exam #2

Exam #3